The Spy Who Came in from the Cold Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Spy Who Came in from the Cold Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What has happened to Leamas between when he was knocked out and when he wakes up?
(a) He's been taken to a hospital.
(b) He's been smuggled out of the country.
(c) His hands and legs have been bound.
(d) He's been placed in handcuffs.

2. Where is Liz taken after Mundt's trial?
(a) A prison.
(b) To an underground bunker.
(c) To the airport.
(d) A nice hotel.

3. What does the commissar tell Liz about what will happen to Fiedler?
(a) He will be killed.
(b) He will be set free, but he must never leave East Germany.
(c) He will be returned to London.
(d) He will be imprisoned for the rest of his life.

4. Why did Mundt beat Fiedler during his interrogation?
(a) Because Fiedler refused to talk.
(b) Because Fiedler stole Mundt's girlfriend.
(c) Because Fiedler is Jewish.
(d) Because Fiedler got Mundt fired a long time ago.

5. Who is Karden?
(a) Leamas' ex-wife.
(b) Leamas' cell mate during his interrogation.
(c) Mundt's representative during Mundt's trial.
(d) Another witness for Fiedler

6. What does the judge in Mundt's trial decide about the case?
(a) That Liz should be returned to London as soon as possible.
(b) That Fiedler is relieved of his duties until they know what to do with him.
(c) That Leamas is very, very guilty and must be sent to his death.
(d) That Mundt is very, very guilty and must be sent to his death.

7. How does Liz feel about her presence at Mundt's trial?
(a) She is confused and scared.
(b) She refuses to even speak.
(c) She faints.
(d) She is more than happy to participate.

8. What does Mundt's representative argue during the trial?
(a) That Mundt may have made mistakes, but the jury should let him go anyway.
(b) That Mundt is too old to send to jail.
(c) That the Tribunal is the culmination of a British mission to destroy Mundt.
(d) That Mundt should receive a medal, not a jail sentence.

9. The last thing Leamas remembers about his first interrogation with Mundt is:
(a) Being fed food that was probably poisoned.
(b) Passing out from his head injury.
(c) Being chained to a wall.
(d) Being taken to a library.

10. When Mundt is first interrogating Leamas, Mundt is very interested in Leamas' meetings with whom?
(a) Communists in London.
(b) George Smiley.
(c) Miss Crail.
(d) Liz Gold.

11. How is Liz transported to the "special meeting" she is told she needs to attend?
(a) By helicopter.
(b) By bus.
(c) In a military style car.
(d) By a very long train ride.

12. How could Liz's reaction to the plot that Leamas explains as they flee East German best be described?
(a) Displeasure.
(b) Jealousy.
(c) Happiness.
(d) Pride.

13. What does Karden accuse Leamas of during Mundt's trial?
(a) Of being a double agent and setting up false evidence against Mundt.
(b) Of robbing Fiedler when he wasn't paying attention.
(c) Of stealing money from the British government and not sharing it.
(d) Of seeking refuge with the East Germans when he's really a British fugitive.

14. After Liz's testimony at Mundt's trial, what does Leamas do?
(a) Confesses that he's a British double agent.
(b) Confesses the he's a Russian double agent.
(c) Confesses that he loves her.
(d) Confesses that he's the father to her unborn baby.

15. What does the commissar tell Liz about what will happen to Leamas?
(a) He will be killed.
(b) He will be returned to London.
(c) He will be imprisoned for the rest of his life.
(d) He will be set free, but he must never leave East Germany.

Short Answer Questions

1. During Mundt's trial, what does Fiedler argue is suspicious about Mundt's time in England?

2. What does Leamas say in response to Karden's accusations about him?

3. How are Liz and Leamas supposed to cross the border?

4. When Mundt meets Leamas in his cell, where does Mundt take him?

5. Who climbs up the border wall second?

(see the answer keys)

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