Spring Snow Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Spring Snow Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Chapter 15," why does Kiyoaki throw away his early letter drafts to Satoko?
(a) Because his spelling is horrible.
(b) Because he doesn't want to write to her anyway.
(c) Because he isn't being authentic.
(d) Because he believes he sounds weak.

2. Who asks Kiyoaki about Satoko coming to the cherry festival?
(a) A neighbor.
(b) A Siamese prince.
(c) His tutor.
(d) His father.

3. At the celebration in "Chapter 10," what does Satoko tell Kiyoaki about?
(a) New literature.
(b) Kiyoaki's talents.
(c) Her feelings.
(d) A revolution.

4. In "Chapter 11," why does Satoko want Kiyoaki to skip school?
(a) To take her to lunch.
(b) To pick flowers.
(c) To play in the snow.
(d) To attend a celebration.

5. In "Chapter 7," what does Honda say about Kiyoaki's family's values?
(a) They are traditional.
(b) They are western.
(c) They are woman-centered.
(d) They don't have any values.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Chapter 6," why does Kiyoaki buy Satoko theater tickets near his seat, but next to his seat?

2. In "Chapter 13," what does Honda say someone must believe in if they believe in chance?

3. How do Kiyoaki and Satoko help care for the dead dog?

4. In "Chapter 16," what embarrasses Kiyoaki's grandmother about his father?

5. In "Chapter 6," what does Kiyoaki criticize Satoko for in his letter?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Kiyoaki's father do when he learns of Kiyoaki's affair with Satoko?

2. What is Kiyoaki and Satoko's first kiss like?

3. Why do the Siamese prince's fellow students lack sympathy toward them when Chao P loses his ring?

4. In "Chapter 53," what confuses Honda about Kiyoaki?

5. How does Kiyoaki try to impress Satoko when he sees her again for the first time since childhood?

6. In "Chapter 6," what does Kiyoaki write in a letter to Satoko?

7. What does Kiyoaki do after mailing his letter to Satoko in "Chapter 6"?

8. In "Chapter 13," what does Honda say about history?

9. How does Kiyoaki respond when Satoko asks him to skip school in "Chapter 11"?

10. Why does Honda think of a photograph from the Russo-Japanese war in "Chapter 28"?

(see the answer keys)

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