Spring Snow Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Spring Snow Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Chapter 21," what does Kiyoaki burn in front of Iinuma?
(a) An envelope.
(b) Photographs.
(c) Money.
(d) Iinuma isn't sure.

2. In "Chapter 13," what does Honda say someone must believe in if they believe in chance?
(a) Will.
(b) Luck.
(c) Virtue.
(d) God.

3. Why does Kiyoaki decide to kiss Satoko for the first time?
(a) She closes her eyes.
(b) She recites a lovely poem.
(c) She asks him to.
(d) She puts her head on his shoulder.

4. In "Chapter 14," where does Kiyoaki give Iinuma a key to?
(a) The dining room.
(b) The spare bedroom.
(c) The library.
(d) His father's office.

5. How is Kiyoaki described in contrast to Honda?
(a) Poor.
(b) Confused.
(c) Dramatic.
(d) Refined.

6. In "Chapter 13," what does Honda say westerners believe about history?
(a) They believe they can change it.
(b) They believe it doesn't predict the future.
(c) They believe it is a noble subject.
(d) They believe only western history matters.

7. In "Chapter 18," what sound starts the traditional dance?
(a) Breaking sticks.
(b) Yelling.
(c) Splashing water.
(d) Dropping stones.

8. What do all the women in Kiyoaki's family wear for the New Year's celebration?
(a) Colored mascara.
(b) No make-up.
(c) White face make-up.
(d) They wear masks.

9. How does Kiyoaki feel at the Omiyasama Festival?
(a) Angry.
(b) Calm.
(c) Indifferent.
(d) Sad.

10. In "Chapter 8," where does Kiyoaki take the Siamese princes?
(a) To plays.
(b) To museums.
(c) To parks.
(d) To cafes.

11. When does Honda usually visit Kiyoaki?
(a) Sundays.
(b) Saturdays.
(c) Fridays.
(d) Mondays.

12. How do Kiyoaki and Satoko help care for the dead dog?
(a) They dig a grave.
(b) They pick flowers for it.
(c) They don't do anything.
(d) They lift the dogs legs.

13. In Kiyoaki's dream in "Chapter 11," who does the ring belong to?
(a) One of the Siamese princes.
(b) Honda.
(c) The emperor.
(d) Satoko.

14. In "Chapter 16," when does Kiyoaki visit his grandmother?
(a) During winter break.
(b) During spring break.
(c) A Wednesday afternoon.
(d) On a long weekend.

15. What does Kiyoaki's grandmother ask him about in "Chapter 16"?
(a) Food.
(b) Judo.
(c) His mother.
(d) His studies.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Chapter 9," what does Iinuma say he feels was his responsibility to teach Kiyoaki?

2. In Kiyoaki's dream in "Chapter 11," what does he see when he looks into the ring.

3. In "Chapter 7," what does Honda say about Kiyoaki's family's values?

4. In "Chapter 13," what does Honda say people ignore when looking back on history?

5. In "Chapter 15," how does Satoko confess her feelings to Kiyoaki?

(see the answer keys)

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