SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome Test | Final Test - Easy

Mary Beard
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome Test | Final Test - Easy

Mary Beard
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What emperor spent a great deal of time as a tourist and was abroad more than at home?
(a) Tiberius.
(b) CLaudius.
(c) Hadrian.
(d) Vespasian.

2. How much older was Cicero than Publilia when they married?
(a) 40 years.
(b) 43 years.
(c) 39 years.
(d) 45 years.

3. In the third century CE, how many petitions did a governor of Egphy receive in just three days?
(a) 900.
(b) 700.
(c) 1,800.
(d) 1,100.

4. When did Lucius Cornelius Sulla become the first Roman since the mythical Coriolanus to lead his army against the city of Rome?
(a) 94 BCE.
(b) 88 BCE.
(c) 91 BCE.
(d) 85 BCE.

5. When did Vespasian become emperor?
(a) 69 CE.
(b) 70 CE.
(c) 68 CE.
(d) 71 CE.

6. What was the perimeter of the walls that surrounded Carthage?
(a) 30 miles.
(b) 25 miles.
(c) Almost 20 miles.
(d) About 15 miles.

7. How old was Gaius Octavious when Julius Caesar was assassinated?
(a) 18.
(b) 19.
(c) 20.
(d) 21.

8. How long had it been since Gaius succeeded his great-uncle that he was assassinated?
(a) 11 years.
(b) 4 years.
(c) 8 years.
(d) 2 years.

9. How old was Claudius when he was declared emperor?
(a) 50.
(b) 45.
(c) 39.
(d) 58.

10. What interest rate did Marcus Junius Brutus charge the people of Salamis when he lent money?
(a) 48 percent.
(b) 36 percent.
(c) 18 percent.
(d) 25 percent.

11. How large did Tiberius propose that landing holdings be in 133 BCE?
(a) 175 hectares.
(b) 200 hectares.
(c) About 115 hectares.
(d) Roughly 120 hectares.

12. When was Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus assassinated?
(a) 41 CE.
(b) 38 CE.
(c) 39 CE.
(d) 40 CE.

13. How far was Corinth from Carthage?
(a) 900 miles.
(b) Nearly 1,000 miles.
(c) 845 miles.
(d) About 750 miles.

14. In 66 BCE, how long had the Romans been fighting King Mithradates with little success?
(a) More than 20 years.
(b) 11 years.
(c) 18 years.
(d) About 15 years.

15. When did Cicero's former slave Marcus Tullius Tiro die?
(a) 4 BCE.
(b) 11 BCE.
(c) 40 BCE.
(d) 29 BCE.

Short Answer Questions

1. When did the first permanent Roman stone theater open?

2. During Nero's rule, when was Rome destroyed by fire?

3. How old was Publilia, Cicero's second wife, when they married?

4. When was the Augustan regime said to have begun?

5. How many occupations were there in the city of Rome alone?

(see the answer keys)

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