The Sportswriter Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sportswriter Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What has this investigation brought to Frank?
(a) Joy.
(b) Happiness.
(c) Despair.
(d) Sadness.

2. Frank discovers a woman he knew from a catalog and goes to visit her. How does this visit make Frank feel?
(a) Sad.
(b) Worse about his life.
(c) Depressed.
(d) Better about his life.

3. What is Frank still doing on the holiday in Chapter 9?
(a) Loving.
(b) Drinking.
(c) Grieving.
(d) Praying.

4. After leaving Walter's apartment, what does Frank find himself doing?
(a) Going to a bar.
(b) Visiting the cemetery.
(c) Driving around.
(d) Going home.

5. How does Frank react to what Walter attempts to do in Chapter 8?
(a) Accepts it.
(b) Plays along.
(c) Smiles.
(d) Pushes him away.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Frank call on the holiday morning in Chapter 9?

2. What is behind Frank's house?

3. Who offered the college teaching position to Frank?

4. What do Frank and Vicki do first after Frank arrives at Vicki's father's house?

5. Through the investigation, what has Frank fulfilled for Walter?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did Frank find his welcoming at Berkshire College by the other professors?

2. Describe what happens at the Easter family dinner at Vicki's father's house.

3. Did X and the children visit Frank at Berkshire College? Give examples to support your answer.

4. Explain how Frank got a job offer to teach at Berkshire College.

5. What does Frank do when he returns to his office in New York after Easter?

6. Detail the phone call Frank receives while at Vicki's father's home on Easter.

7. Why does X become uncomfortable at Walter's apartment and what does Frank do to make her feel this way?

8. Where is Frank at when he is making a phone call after leaving Wade's house and what happens while he is making a call?

9. What does Walter want to talk to Frank about after Frank returns from Detroit?

10. List three members of Vicki's family Frank meets on Easter and Frank's impression of these people.

(see the answer keys)

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