Spoon River Anthology Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Spoon River Anthology Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who always had the face of a boy?
(a) Charles Webster.
(b) Ami Green.
(c) Harlan Sewall.
(d) Father Malloy.

2. What happened to Henry Tripp when the bank broke?
(a) He no longer had a mortgage.
(b) He lost his savings.
(c) He lost his job.
(d) He lost his farm.

3. Who returns to Spoon River in The Spooniad?
(a) Flossie.
(b) Gerald.
(c) Jefferson.
(d) Amanda.

4. Who cursed God?
(a) John Ballard.
(b) The Village Atheist.
(c) Julian Scott.
(d) Willie Pennington.

5. What did Hiram Scates run for president of?
(a) United States of America.
(b) State Board.
(c) County Board.
(d) School Board.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whom did Elliot Hawkins look like?

2. Where did Aaron Hatfield speak?

3. What did people think of Willie Pennington?

4. Why does The Spooniad end abruptly?

5. Who died and left his beloved behind, bidding her to be brave?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Lyman King say about Fate?

2. Why are there many references to soldiers and war in the section beginning with Magrady Graham and ending with Mabel Osborne?

3. Why might it be important to treat your friends and family well, according to Le Roy Goldman?

4. What souls are in the section beginning with Zilpha Marsh and ending with Webster Ford?

5. What do many residents seek in the section beginning with William H. Herndon and ending with Alfonzo Churchill?

6. How is Father Malloy's epitaph different from the others in the "Spoon River Anthology"?

7. How was Lucinda Matlock able to deal with the deaths of eight of her twelve children?

8. The section beginning with Magrady Graham and ending with Mabel Osborne contains several stories by residents who are considered enlightened souls. Give at least two examples of these residents.

9. What does the alligator rising out of the mud in Arlo Will's epitaph symbolize?

10. Compare and contrast the village atheist and John Ballard.

(see the answer keys)

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