Splendors and Glooms Test | Final Test - Medium

Laura Amy Schlitz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Splendors and Glooms Test | Final Test - Medium

Laura Amy Schlitz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is said to have fallen through the ice and drowned in Part Two: “Ice,” Chapter 47?
(a) Mrs. Pinchbeck
(b) Lizzie Rose
(c) Cassandra
(d) Grisini

2. Dr. Wintermute’s visitor in Part Two: “Ice,” Chapter 48 shows him a letter with whose return address on the envelope?
(a) Miss Cameron’s
(b) Cassandra’s
(c) Mrs. Fettle’s
(d) Agnes’s

3. What item does Lizzie Rose present to Cassandra as one of the things she has chosen for gifts along with books and the photograph in Part Two: “Ice,” Chapter 36?
(a) A ring
(b) A watch
(c) A seashell
(d) A flower

4. Who does Lizzie Rose find standing at the door when she answers the doorbell in Part Two: “Ice,” Chapter 50?
(a) Grisini
(b) Dr. and Mrs. Wintermute
(c) Mr. and Mrs. Pinchbeck
(d) Constable Hawkins

5. What is the name of Cassandra’s housemaid in the novel?
(a) Clara
(b) Mrs. Pinchbeck
(c) Agnes
(d) Mrs. Fettle

Short Answer Questions

1. What playwright’s works does Lizzie Rose choose as items she would like from the house in Part Two: “Ice,” Chapter 34?

2. Where does Clara lead Parsefall when he looks for a safe place to sleep in Part Two: “Ice,” Chapter 33?

3. How did Marguerite’s mother die?


5. Part Two: “Ice,” Chapter 29 is titled what?

Short Essay Questions

1. What exchange takes place between Clara and Cassandra in Part Two: “Ice,” Chapter 31?

2. What does Clara do with the phoenix-stone once she’s stolen it in Part Two: “Ice,” Chapter 46? Who tries to stop her?

3. Who arrives to visit Dr. Wintermute in Part Two: “Ice,” Chapter 48? What item does this character bring with her?

4. What does Lizzie Rose do upon awakening in Part Two: “Ice,” Chapter 30? Who watches her?

5. What does Cassandra relate about Marguerite in Part Two: “Ice,” Chapter 37?

6. How are Parsefall’s thoughts described in the Epilogue? What is Parsefall looking forward to?

7. How does Parsefall save Clara in Part Two: “Ice,” Chapter 47? What do the children discover when they return to the house?

8. What does Parsefall dream of in Part Two: “Ice,” Chapter 45? What does he vow to do when he awakens from the dream?

9. What gift does Parsefall choose from Cassandra’s table in Part Two: “Ice,” Chapter 35?

10. What exchange takes place between Parsefall and Grisini in Part Two: “Ice,” Chapter 33?

(see the answer keys)

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