The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down Test | Final Test - Easy

Anne Fadiman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down Test | Final Test - Easy

Anne Fadiman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In 1993, what happened to Jeanine Hilt?
(a) She was promoted.
(b) She suffered a severe asthma attack and lost brain function.
(c) She suffered a heart attack.
(d) She died of unknown causes.

2. What does Chapter 13 say never occurs to Nao and Foua about their children in America?
(a) They they would have to be treated at American hospitals.
(b) That they would get sick.
(c) That language would be an issue.
(d) That they would be in danger.

3. What city housed the largest percentage of Hmong per area in California?
(a) Sacremento.
(b) Fresno.
(c) Stockton.
(d) Merced.

4. Why did Foua rely on her children to shop at the market?
(a) Because she never learned English.
(b) She was allergic to the food.
(c) She was intimidated.
(d) Because she was afraid of Americans.

5. How many days did Lia spend at Valley Children's Hospital?
(a) Eleven days.
(b) Five days.
(c) One day.
(d) Two weeks.

6. What happened to Lia's condition after she was sent home under her parent's care?
(a) It worsened.
(b) It stayed the same.
(c) She was completely healed.
(d) She become medically stable.

7. What could the doctors have done that would have shown respect for the Lees' religious beliefs?
(a) Limited shaman interaction.
(b) Limited blood draws.
(c) Transfering to Valley Children's.
(d) Limited female doctor interaction.

8. When did the Lee family arrive in America?
(a) November 18, 1980.
(b) October 18, 1988.
(c) October 18, 1980.
(d) November 18, 1988.

9. What do Hmong people grow and harvest?
(a) Opium.
(b) Edamame.
(c) Broccoli.
(d) Corn.

10. If healthy communication existed from the beginning, what does the author say in Chapter 18 might have been very different?
(a) Valley Children's Hospital.
(b) MCMC.
(c) Lia's life.
(d) Merced.

11. What helped communication between Foua and Lia's doctors?
(a) Love and understanding.
(b) Shaman.
(c) Western medicine.
(d) Translators.

12. When they arrived in America, who did the Lee's seek help from?
(a) Their family in California.
(b) Their family in Oregon.
(c) Their family in Wisconsin.
(d) Their family in Hawaii.

13. In Chapter 17, whose son is diagnosed with leukemia?
(a) Jeanine's.
(b) Neil and Peggy's.
(c) Dang Moua's.
(d) Foua's.

14. Who died while the Lee's were in the refugee camp?
(a) Lia.
(b) Nao.
(c) Foua.
(d) The infant Foua was breastfeeding.

15. What happened on that day that Lia's doctors said they dreaded in Chapter 11?
(a) Lia's family was sent back to Laos.
(b) Lia was given back to her parents.
(c) Lia's family refused to bring her to the hospital.
(d) Lia suffered her last seizure, leading to her death.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of life were the Hmong people accustomed to before coming to America?

2. Who did the Lees believe caused Lia's illness?

3. What did Chapter 10 say about the connection to the past life the Hmong were accustomed to?

4. What was Lia's condition in Chapter 13 when she returned to MCMC?

5. Who was hit hard with what happened to Jeanine?

(see the answer keys)

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