Spirit Bound Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Richelle Mead
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Spirit Bound Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Richelle Mead
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Rose's worst fear about what her future assignment might be?
(a) Clerical work.
(b) A low ranking Moroi to guard.
(c) Gardening work.
(d) An assignment far from Court and Lissa.

2. Who is with Christian at Rose's graduation party?
(a) Jill.
(b) Mia.
(c) Meredith.
(d) Lissa.

3. How does Adrian visit Rose due to her punishment?
(a) He breaks her out of her confinement.
(b) He sneaks in.
(c) He bribes a guard.
(d) In her dreams.

4. What does Nathan Ivashkov say is absurd?
(a) Rose becoming Lissa's guardian.
(b) Moroi fighting alongside guardians.
(c) Adrian becoming an art teacher.
(d) Dhampirs rejecting guardian jobs in favor of parenthood.

5. Who is the only Moroi besides Lissa to request Rose as a guardian?
(a) Tatiana.
(b) Blake Lazar.
(c) Adrian Ivashkov.
(d) Tasha Ozera.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Robert Doru react to Rose?

2. Who openly disbelieves Robert's tale of healing a Strigoi?

3. What does Rose notice about a group of showgirls she sees in the Witching Hour?

4. On what were people make bets on in regards to Rose and her trials?

5. Why does Adrian suggest Christian wants to help Lissa learn how to stake a Strigoi?

Short Essay Questions

1. With whom does Rose see Abe flirting during her graduation party? How does she feel about this?

2. How does Lissa use spirit to help Rose get past the guard at the guardian building so that she could search the archives?

3. How did Adrian find Rose and her companions in Las Vegas? How does he react to the truth behind their escapade?

4. Why do Rose and her friends have so much trouble renting a car? Why is it important that they have a car?

5. What does Rose think of Adrian's father and mother when she meets them over dinner at the Ivashkov home?

6. Where do the newly graduated guardian go after their graduation? For what reason?

7. Why does Rose expect Tatiana, the queen of the Moroi government, to be unhappy with Rose's relationship with Adrian? What is Tatiana's reaction to this relationship?

8. Why does Rose allow Victor to feed from the human feeder before they begin their retreat from the prison?

9. Why do Rose, Eddie, and Lissa sneak out of Court in the trunk of a car? Who is helping them?

10. With whom does Rose have a mental bond? What caused this bond?

(see the answer keys)

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