Spider Woman's Daughter Test | Final Test - Easy

Anne Hillerman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Spider Woman's Daughter Test | Final Test - Easy

Anne Hillerman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Bernie tell her mother she doesn’t want to let the cat outside in Chapter 11?
(a) The cat hasn’t been vaccinated.
(b) She’s afraid it will get hit by a car.
(c) She worries about stray dogs in the neighborhood.
(d) She doesn’t like when they kill birds.

2. What does Bernie discover next to Chee’s cell phone on the floor of the museum in Chapter 20?
(a) A silver bracelet.
(b) A key ring.
(c) His wedding ring.
(d) Spots of blood.

3. Who was Bernie’s favorite teacher at the university she attended?
(a) Professor Stuart.
(b) Professor Smith.
(c) Professor Zah.
(d) Professor Chee.

4. Who is awarded the Leaphorn Award of Valor in Chapter 22?
(a) Officer Bigman.
(b) Chee.
(c) Agent Cordova.
(d) Bernie.

5. What is the name of the woman who owns EFB Appraisals?
(a) Eleanor Friedman-Bernal.
(b) Stella Darkwater.
(c) Dr. Maxie Davis.
(d) Louisa Bourbonette.

6. What is the name of the hospital chaplain at the Santa Fe hospital where Leaphorn is being treated in Chapter 18?
(a) Reverend Rodriguez.
(b) Reverend Christianson.
(c) Reverend Darkwater.
(d) Reverend Smith.

7. Who is Chee’s uncle that he wishes could see the artifacts at the AIRC museum in Chapter 13?
(a) Garrison Tsosie.
(b) Hosteen Nakai.
(c) Randall Elliot.
(d) Charley Zah.

8. What is the name of the man that nearly killed Eleanor Friedman-Bernal many years ago, according to the narrator in Chapter 16?
(a) Randall Elliot.
(b) Rocko Delbert.
(c) Austin Lee.
(d) Dr. Moxsley.

9. What symbol does Leaphorn draw after Chee tells him that Bernie found the woman that shot him in Chapter 21?
(a) A diamond.
(b) A heart.
(c) A triangle.
(d) A circle.

10. Bernie’s mother shows her one of her rugs in an auction magazine and compares the opening bidding on the rug as enough money to buy what, in Chapter 17?
(a) A car.
(b) A house.
(c) A television.
(d) A refrigerator.

11. Where does Agent Cordova say the FBI tracked down Leonard Nez at a rodeo in Chapter 21?
(a) Santa Fe.
(b) Cuba.
(c) Shiprock.
(d) Crownpoint.

12. As Chee prepares to perform the ceremony for Leaphorn at the hospital in Chapter 18, he calls the daughter of a singer who lived near what community?
(a) Toadlena.
(b) Tsalie.
(c) Crownpoint.
(d) Cuba.

13. What are the McManus collection item numbers that Leaphorn describes as exceptions that he has concerns based on their undervaluation, based on the report in Chapter 12?
(a) 3122-3126.
(b) 3255-3260.
(c) 1235-2121.
(d) 2343-2355.

14. What is the photograph of that accompanies Chee’s message to Bernie that says “Guess where I am” in Chapter 20?
(a) A peony.
(b) A rose.
(c) A daffodil.
(d) An orchid.

15. What “miniature fry breads” does Bernie claim to love in Chapter 12?
(a) Pastis.
(b) Tostadas.
(c) Pepitas.
(d) Sopapillas.

Short Answer Questions

1. What elevation does the narrator say Santa Fe, New Mexico is at in Chapter 13?

2. What ceremony had Chee performed in the helicopter after Ellie was saved in the case that happened ten years ago, according to the narrator in Chapter 16?

3. Slim tells Bernie in Chapter 15 that he first hired Ellie when she saw her card on a bulletin board at a Laundromat in what town?

4. Chee suggests to Bernie in Chapter 14 that after the case is over they should take a trip where to stay with his relatives and hike and spend a week or two?

5. What is the name of the jeweler that Dr. Davis says made her bracelet in Chapter 19?

(see the answer keys)

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