Spencerville Test | Final Test - Easy

Nelson Demille
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Spencerville Test | Final Test - Easy

Nelson Demille
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What job is Keith Landry being considered for?
(a) Assistant to Security Advisor.
(b) Secretary of Defense.
(c) Assistant to the President.
(d) Undercover agent.

2. What does Schenley tell Keith Landry?
(a) That Cliff Baxter left on Sunday night.
(b) That Cliff Baxter is hunting for him.
(c) That Cliff Baxter is going to arrest him.
(d) That Cliff Baxter is going to kill him.

3. What does Gail Porter ask Keith Landry for?
(a) His car.
(b) Money.
(c) His rifle.
(d) A promise to be restrained.

4. What else do Keith and Annie agree?
(a) That they should not see each other until they meet.
(b) That Annie should hide from Cliff Baxter.
(c) That they should meet again as soon as possible.
(d) That Annie should record her conversations with her husband.

5. What does Cliff Baxter tell Keith Landry when he visits him at the farm?
(a) He'll be killed if he sees Annie again.
(b) He has tickets to pay.
(c) He has six days to get out of town.
(d) He is under arrest.

6. Where did Keith Landry go after missing Annie at her sister's house?
(a) Home.
(b) To Billy Marlon's house.
(c) To Annie's house.
(d) To the police station.

7. What does Keith Landry ask Aunt Betty to do for him?
(a) Keep some things of his.
(b) Watch the farm.
(c) Distract Cliff Baxter.
(d) Get a note to Annie.

8. What does Cliff Baxter do when he finds Keith and Annie?
(a) Cuts Keith with a knife.
(b) Sets the room on fire.
(c) Arrests them both.
(d) Beats Keith about the face.

9. How many copies of the transcript of the meeting have Gail and Jeffrey Porter sold?
(a) 200.
(b) 500.
(c) 25.
(d) 150.

10. What do Keith Landry and Annie do when they see each other?
(a) Arm themselves.
(b) Go for a drive.
(c) Cook a sumptuous meal.
(d) Talk and make love.

11. Where does Keith Landry use a disguise?
(a) When he picks Annie up.
(b) When he sells his car.
(c) When he checks into a hotel.
(d) Whenever he is in public.

12. Where does Annie tell her sister they would be passing through on the way to Florida?
(a) North Carolina.
(b) Atlanta.
(c) Michigan.
(d) Kentucky.

13. What does Cliff Baxter feel when he hears that Keith Landry interfered with his men at the meeting?
(a) Afraid that Keith Landry will disturb his control over the town.
(b) Delighted for an excuse to go after him.
(c) Disturbed that he has already made an enemy of Keith Landry.
(d) Unhappy.

14. Where do Keith Landry and Annie meet in Chapter 20?
(a) In the woods.
(b) At Keith Landry's house.
(c) At the gas station.
(d) At the pond.

15. How long did Annie wait for Keith Landry at her sister's house?
(a) Till 1 a.m.
(b) Till 3 a.m.
(c) Till dawn.
(d) Till noon the next day.

Short Answer Questions

1. What prevents Keith and Annie from fleeing Ohio?

2. Who does Cliff Baxter look for at the diner?

3. What does Keith Landry do when Officer Ward shows up at the Porter house?

4. How does Keith Landry answer Gail Porter's request?

5. What does Keith Landry's visitor tell him?

(see the answer keys)

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