Speed-the-Plow Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Speed-the-Plow Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Gould and Fox bet about the secretary?
(a) Whether she wants to be an actress.
(b) Whether she will hate the script.
(c) Whether she will sleep with Gould.
(d) Whether she comes from money.

2. What movie star came to Fox's house?
(a) Billy Brown.
(b) John White.
(c) Clarence Black.
(d) Doug Brown.

3. Gould reads something to Fox in Act One. How is it described?
(a) Pretentious and confusing.
(b) Pulitzer quality.
(c) Stale and typical.
(d) Witty and commercial.

4. What type of film credit does Gould promise Fox?
(a) Writer.
(b) Actor.
(c) Co-producer.
(d) Line producer.

5. What does Fox think of the secretary in Gould's office?
(a) She was once famous.
(b) She is smokin' hot.
(c) She is cute.
(d) She is dumb.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Gould call himself due to his job?

2. Before they leave for lunch, Gould tells Fox he is being rewarded now, for what?

3. Gould has the power to green light what type of budget?

4. What is Karen's title at the beginning of the play?

5. Gould tells Karen to take what kind of holiday?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is it that Gould objects about making "Radiation..." into a film?

2. What are the terms of the bet made on the secretary, Karen?

3. After Gould offers Karen a job at the studio and she says she wants only to work on "Radiation . . ." why is Gould confused?

4. Why does the final scene between Gould and Fox become violent?

5. What is significant about the fact that Gould only completes a half-day in the office at his new job?

6. What is Fox's opinion of proposed films such as "Radiation . . ." and "The Bridge"?

7. In the light of day, how do the philosophies expressed by Karen the night before sound to Gould?

8. Explain Karen's feelings about her interactions with Gould.

9. Fox is hesitant to tell the story of the film he brought to Gould prior to presenting it to Ross. Why?

10. How does Gould use his power to his advantage in Act Two?

(see the answer keys)

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