Speed-the-Plow Test | Final Test - Easy

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Speed-the-Plow Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Karen reveal about the prison script?
(a) She wrote it.
(b) She read it.
(c) It will make millions.
(d) Brown isn't going to do it.

2. Why does Karen ask Gould if she's put him on the spot?
(a) Gould asks her to leave.
(b) She assumed he would make Radiation.
(c) She asked him to fire Fox.
(d) Gould threatens to blacklist her.

3. What is Karen doing at the beginning of Act 2?
(a) Fighting with Gould.
(b) Crying.
(c) Lecturing Gould.
(d) Reading to Gould.

4. Where does Karen claim to have looked inside of Gould?
(a) His heart.
(b) His spirit.
(c) His aura.
(d) His mind.

5. In the novel, a character received a vision of infinity from what?
(a) God.
(b) Radiation from a microwave.
(c) Knowing the world would end.
(d) Botched eye surgery.

6. What is Karen's opinion of the prison script?
(a) People need to see it.
(b) It will be a hit.
(c) It's degrading to the spirit.
(d) Brown is a terrible choice for the lead.

7. What is Karen's definition of something greater than courage?
(a) Philanthropy.
(b) Empowerment.
(c) Disillusionment.
(d) Bravery.

8. According to the book in Act 2, what time period are people living in?
(a) A Great Era for Change.
(b) The Industrial Revolution.
(c) The Dark Ages.
(d) The Age of Aquarius.

9. What film does Gould want Karen to be a part of?
(a) Housewives and Their Many Friends.
(b) Radiation.
(c) Diamonds and Dogs.
(d) The Prison.

10. What is Karen encouraging Gould to strive for in Act Two?
(a) Change.
(b) Respect.
(c) Power.
(d) Money.

11. Gould's complaint to Karen about his promotion is what?
(a) That everyone wants something from him.
(b) Fox deserved the career jump.
(c) Not enough cash.
(d) Sacrificing his integrity.

12. At Gould's house, what is his response to Karen's analysis of "Radiation..."?
(a) Suspicion.
(b) Admiration.
(c) Distaste.
(d) Anger.

13. What is the name of the book found in Act 2?
(a) The Bridge: or, Radiation and the Half-Life of Society. A Study of Decay.
(b) Radiation Moon Story.
(c) Be Still, Radiation Filled Heart.
(d) Unlock Radiation: The Key to Inner Enlightment in Twenty Steps.

14. What does Karen think is happening to the world?
(a) It is overpopulating.
(b) It is thriving.
(c) It is dying.
(d) It is spinning to another realm.

15. What does Karen reveal she knew when Gould invited her home?
(a) He wants to sleep with her.
(b) He is lazy.
(c) He is in love with her.
(d) He is lonely.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Karen's response at the idea of Gould wanting to sleep with her?

2. In Act Two, what does Gould accuse Karen of?

3. Karen claims that when people ask for a sign, they often realize what?

4. When Gould tells Karen he is going to pay her a compliment, it's to do what?

5. Karen claims "Radiation . . ." was written with what driving force?

(see the answer keys)

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