The Adventure of the Speckled Band Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Adventure of the Speckled Band Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Holmes go after hitting at the bell pull?
(a) Out the window.
(b) Down the hall.
(c) Helen's room.
(d) Roylott's room.

2. What does Holmes tell Helen to do to protect herself from Roylott when he returns from town?
(a) Never be alone with him.
(b) Keep a fire in her hearth.
(c) Arm herself.
(d) Lock her door.

3. How does Holmes describe the murder of Julia?
(a) Subtle.
(b) Extravagant.
(c) Cruel.
(d) Pompous.

4. How do Holmes and Watson get onto the property at night?
(a) They climb a tree and jump over the fence.
(b) Through a hole in the fence.
(c) They climb the gate.
(d) They break down the fence.

5. Why does Holmes hesitate about involving Watson in the night's plan?
(a) They could get caught.
(b) It is dangerous.
(c) He might get in the way.
(d) He is engaged.

6. What does Holmes chastise himself for while telling Watson how he solved the case?
(a) Not acting fast enough to save Roylott.
(b) Not learning more about the snake.
(c) Being too risky with Helen's life.
(d) Jumping to conclusions.

7. What excuse is Helen supposed to use to get to her room early?
(a) She is very tired.
(b) She wants to do some reading.
(c) She has a headache.
(d) She needs some time alone.

8. What do Holmes and Watson take off before they enter the window to Julia's room?
(a) Their coats.
(b) Their hats.
(c) Their shoes.
(d) Their gloves.

9. What kind of animal do Holmes and Watson see as they come across the lawn at night?
(a) Cobra.
(b) Jaguar.
(c) Baboon.
(d) Zebra.

10. What does Holmes say will happen if Watson falls asleep in Julia's room?
(a) They could die.
(b) They will endanger Helen.
(c) They will miss their chance.
(d) They will be caught.

11. What does Holmes say he did NOT see in the rooms?
(a) More than Watson.
(b) An escape.
(c) Anything to hurt Helen.
(d) Evidence of danger.

12. How often does the church clock chime?
(a) Every half hour.
(b) Every quarter hour.
(c) Every hour.
(d) Every ten minutes.

13. Where does Holmes tell Helen to spend the night after Roylott goes to sleep?
(a) Her old bedroom.
(b) A room in the damaged wing.
(c) Her housekeeper's room.
(d) The inn.

14. What time does the signal come from Helen?
(a) 11:00 pm.
(b) 10:00 pm.
(c) Midnight.
(d) 1:00 am.

15. What did Holmes notice about Julia's bed?
(a) It was cracked in the middle.
(b) It was clamped to the floor.
(c) It was oddly close to the window.
(d) It was made from two kinds of wood.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Helen feel when she hears that Roylott followed her to Holmes's house?

2. Why did Holmes partially blame himself for Roylott's death?

3. Where did the snake come from?

4. Where does the ventilator in Julia's room lead to?

5. What does Holmes use to put the deadly creature back in it's place?

(see the answer keys)

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