The Adventure of the Speckled Band Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Adventure of the Speckled Band Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How much money would Julia have gotten had she been wed?
(a) $350 a month.
(b) $150 a month.
(c) $250 a month.
(d) $450 a month.

2. What time in the morning did Julia hear strange whistling noises?
(a) 2:00 am.
(b) 4:00 am.
(c) 3:00 am.
(d) 5:00 am.

3. What is unique about the case written about in this book?
(a) It was very unusual.
(b) It took longer than usual to solve.
(c) It was solved by someone else.
(d) It was never solved.

4. What was the case about of the woman who referred the visitor to Holmes?
(a) A printing press.
(b) A dog.
(c) Inheritance.
(d) Jewelery.

5. What does Holmes say when Helen finishes her story?
(a) We haven't a moment to lose.
(b) This is all so confusing.
(c) You should have come sooner.
(d) We can help you, and soon.

6. What did Helen think Julia's last words referred to?
(a) A gypsie's garb.
(b) Something she had eaten.
(c) Dr. Roylott.
(d) A specter.

7. What does Holmes say the insults of the man make him feel about the case?
(a) A little hesitant.
(b) There is no change at all.
(c) More interested.
(d) Insulted.

8. How did Holmes know the visitor took a dog carriage early that morning?
(a) She had a receipt.
(b) There was mud on her skirts.
(c) He saw a wagon track on her skirt.
(d) There was a bit of leather on her sleeve.

9. What is the name of the narrator of this book?
(a) Willard.
(b) Watson.
(c) Wallace.
(d) Williams.

10. What is the last name of the young lady's step-father?
(a) Ryans.
(b) Royton.
(c) Ryner.
(d) Roylott.

11. What does Holmes pull over his face while he travels to the house?
(a) His hat.
(b) His hand.
(c) His shirt.
(d) His scarf.

12. What kept the young lady awake on the night her twin died?
(a) A storm.
(b) A tapping on her door.
(c) The roaring of animals.
(d) The singing of the gypsies.

13. What does Holmes ask for just after the big man leaves?
(a) A map of the country.
(b) Breakfast.
(c) Some tea.
(d) His walking shoes.

14. How did the young lady's butler die?
(a) He was beaten to death.
(b) He caught a fever.
(c) He was drowned.
(d) He was poisoned.

15. What does Watson say Holmes is doing while he covers his face on the trip to the house?
(a) Sleeping.
(b) Practicing.
(c) Concentrating.
(d) Planning.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Holmes ask for an opinion on the case?

2. How old does Holmes say his strange visitor is?

3. What does the big man bend with his bare hands?

4. Who is the large man who comes to see Holmes?

5. How has the young lady's step-father's anger cost her money?

(see the answer keys)

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