Speak Test | Final Test - Medium

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Speak Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Melinda begin working at Christmas break?
(a) At home raking the yard.
(b) A fast food store.
(c) The stockroom in her mother's store.
(d) The stockroom in a rival store from her mother's.

2. Why does the principal call Melinda's parents?
(a) To get permission for Melinda to go on a field trip with the art class.
(b) To set up a meeting.
(c) To tell them that Melinda could join the basketball team if she did better in school.
(d) To get permission for Melinda to go on a field trip with the English class.

3. Who is Andy Evans?
(a) The captain of the boys' swim team.
(b) The captain of the boys' tennis team.
(c) No one that Melinda knows.
(d) IT.

4. What does Melinda remember about the summer party?
(a) Not much.
(b) Being raped.
(c) Having a great time.
(d) Being embarrassed by some senior girls.

5. About what does Melinda think when she is looking in the mirror at Efferts?
(a) A woman who is badly burned.
(b) Mr. Freeman giving her a ride.
(c) Her mother's complaints about aging.
(d) Pizza for dinner.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Melinda do in her clothes closet at home?

2. What does Melinda decide on her continued walk to school in "Third Marking Period"?

3. What does Melinda call "crap"?

4. Who does Melinda see in the mall on the last day of Spring break?

5. How does Melinda react to her talk with Heather in "Third Marking Period"?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the incident in art class when Mr. Freeman's honesty hurts Melinda.

2. How does it seem the girls in the International Club are reacting to Andy?

3. How did Melinda happen to go to a party where there are alcohol and older students in the past?

4. Who invites Melinda to his home in "Third Marking Period", and what is her response?

5. What does the physical education teacher discover about Melindal and what is the result?

6. What is Melinda's response to Heather's talk in "Third Marking Period"?

7. What touches Melinda emotionally on Christmas Day and what happens?

8. How does Melinda's focused work on an extra credit project backfire?

9. How does Melinda's pleasure at making posters turn into a nightmare?

10. What does Heather tell Melinda in "Third Marking Period" that upsets Melinda?

(see the answer keys)

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