Speak Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Speak Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does David describe the tone of Mr. Neck's lecture in "Second Marking Period"?
(a) Racist and intolerant.
(b) Bitter.
(c) Optimistic.
(d) Informative.

2. What do Melinda's parents make her do in "Second Marking Period"?
(a) Stay after school for academic help.
(b) Go to her cousin's party.
(c) Stop dyeing her hair green.
(d) Cut her hair.

3. What is Heather's results in the job day test?
(a) Firefighting.
(b) Architecture.
(c) Nursing.
(d) Mortuary Science.

4. What is Melinda's response to her parents' harangue at the dinner table?
(a) She goes to her room.
(b) She cries.
(c) She defends her actions.
(d) She tells them she will do better.

5. What poster is on the wall in Melinda's space at school?
(a) Maya Angelou.
(b) A Bengal Tiger.
(c) A Wombat.
(d) Tom Hanks.

6. How is Melinda feeling physically as she boards the school bus?
(a) She has a bad cold.
(b) She has a headache.
(c) She has a stomachache.
(d) Great.

7. Where does Melinda's mother work?
(a) A bank.
(b) A beauty salon.
(c) A clothing store.
(d) A lawyer's office.

8. On what is Melinda concentrating in art class in "First Marking Period"?
(a) Painting her nightmare.
(b) Painting a sunset.
(c) Painting a dog.
(d) Painting a tree.

9. Who introduces herself to Melinda in "First Marking Period"?
(a) Jonathon.
(b) April.
(c) Heather.
(d) Jacob.

10. Why does Melinda receive a demerit?
(a) For hitting the person who ruins her blouse.
(b) For wandering in the halls without a pass.
(c) For smoking in the bathroom.
(d) For cursing.

11. Why does Melinda feel sad for her biology teacher?
(a) Her husband is killed in a car accident.
(b) Her son is paralyzed.
(c) She is stuck with them as students.
(d) Her dog died the day before.

12. What did Melinda do last year on Halloween?
(a) Went out with her "clan."
(b) Babysat for a neighbor.
(c) Went to a scary movie.
(d) Stayed home and read Dracula.

13. What does Heather wear under her clothes?
(a) A picture of a famous actor taped to her stomach.
(b) A girdle.
(c) Her gym clothes.
(d) A weight belt.

14. How does Melinda describe Nichole's personality?
(a) Arrogant.
(b) Friendly.
(c) Mean.
(d) Vengeful.

15. How many clubs does Heather want Melinda to join?
(a) 0.
(b) 10.
(c) 1.
(d) 5.

Short Answer Questions

1. Fo what should students ask the art teacher?

2. Why is Melinda's jaw sore in "Second Marking Period"?

3. How is Melinda feeling emotionally as she boards the school bus?

4. Who sits with Melinda at lunch in "First Marking Period"?

5. About what is Melinda critical when she looks in the mirror from her bed?

(see the answer keys)

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