Speak Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

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Speak Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Second Marking Period (through page 92).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Nichole make look easy?
(a) Completing math problems.
(b) Sports.
(c) Talking to boys.
(d) Taking tests.

2. About what is Melinda critical when she looks in the mirror from her bed?
(a) Her face.
(b) Her hands.
(c) The wall color.
(d) Her bedspread pattern.

3. With what does Melinda's English teacher threaten Melinda?
(a) An extra essay.
(b) An extra book report.
(c) Calling for a meeting with Melinda's parents.
(d) A visit to the Principal's office.

4. When does Melinda believe her algebra teacher makes no sense?
(a) When he talks about his time in Vietnam.
(b) When he talks about algebra in relation to meeting his wife.
(c) When he tells stories about his job as a newspaper boy when he was young.
(d) When he tells stories about why one should learn algebra.

5. How does Melinda describe Nichole's personality?
(a) Friendly.
(b) Mean.
(c) Vengeful.
(d) Arrogant.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Heather want to sign her and Melinda up to do?

2. What topic does "Mr. Neck" rant about in social studies in "Second Marking Period"?

3. What causes Melinda to faint in biology class?

4. Who is in Melinda's art class that won't speak to her?

5. What does Melinda nickname her English teacher?

(see the answer key)

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