Spartina Test | Final Test - Medium

John Casey (novelist)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Spartina Test | Final Test - Medium

John Casey (novelist)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Elsie offer to go with Dick?
(a) To the Neptune.
(b) To Boston.
(c) To check lobster pots.
(d) To Maine.

2. What does Dick regret on the day after the hurricane?
(a) Putting his boat before his family.
(b) Borrowing money from Miss Perry.
(c) Having an affair with Elsie.
(d) Doing business with Joxer.

3. What is May's concern after she learns of his affair?
(a) How she will show her face in public.
(b) If Dick has a sexually transmitted disease or not.
(c) What she will tell her sons.
(d) What Dick is going to do for the baby.

4. Where does Dick feel the happiest he can remember?
(a) In Elsie's arms.
(b) Talking with May.
(c) On board Spartina.
(d) Playing ball with his sons.

5. Where does the note tell Dick to go?
(a) Eddie's house.
(b) The Neptune.
(c) Elsie's house.
(d) The Wedding Cake.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Tran's father hound Dick about?

2. What is Dick's overall demeanor as the story ends?

3. In what kind of light does the documentary show Dick?

4. Which of the following does Dick NOT battle with in Chapter 36?

5. Where does May tell Dick he can go?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Dick continue to feel instability on land, especially after discovering Marie having sex with Parker?

2. What happens in Chapter 44 that exacerbates Dick's gloomy feelings when he is on shore?

3. How does the weather reflect the state of Dick and May's relationship?

4. How does Elsie interpret Dick's comment that they are similar to Marie and Parker?

5. What mood does the author establish with the brevity of Chapter 47?

6. Describe the climax of the story as Dick's new boat is christened and launched.

7. How does the weather reflect the state of Dick and his family?

8. Why is Dick confused about May's comments about what women want in their lives?

9. What does Dick tell Elsie that he expects May's reaction will be when he reveals his infidelity?

10. What news does Dick learn when he overhears a conversation between Elsie and Mary?

(see the answer keys)

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