The Spanish Tragedy Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Spanish Tragedy Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What characteristics that Horatio possessed does Hieronimo believe made him a good son?
(a) No rebellion, love of parents, honor of country.
(b) Ambition, greed and hate.
(c) Passion, no hate, desire.
(d) Pride, strength and courage.

2. After Balthazar and Bel-Imperia banter about who loves whom, Bel-Imperia leaves having __________.
(a) Pesuaded Balthazar that she will kill him.
(b) Convinced Balthazar that she doesn't love him.
(c) Persuaded Lorenzo that she will exact revenge.
(d) Convinced Balthazar that she loves him.

3. What does Hieronimo ask Castile for when he comes in to see how the stage is coming along for the play?
(a) Nothing.
(b) A knife to kill the king.
(c) A copy of the script.
(d) The key to the king's box seats.

4. Why does Hieronimo, in madness, start digging in the ground?
(a) To create a grave for Lorenzo before he kills him.
(b) So Horatio can emerge from his grave and show the king his wounds.
(c) So that he can crawl into the Underworld.
(d) To find the glove that Bel-Imperia gave Horatio.

5. After Balthazar and Lorenzo are told that Serberine has been shot, what is Lorenzo's reaction?
(a) To help Pedringano find a hiding place.
(b) To tell Balthazar the truth about the murder.
(c) To hide himself, knowing he will be found guilty.
(d) To have Pedringano executed.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Hieronimo's profession?

2. What does Hieronimo talk to Balthazar about regarding the play in Act 4, Scene 3?

3. What is contained in the box that Lorenzo gives a servant and says must remain closed?

4. Who comes in, calms Bel-Imperia and leads her out after her soliloquy in act 3, Scene 9?

5. How does Pedringano interact with his executioner?

(see the answer keys)

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