The Spanish Tragedy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Spanish Tragedy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Act 3, Scene 9, what does Bel-Imperia soliloquize about?
(a) Her anger at the Hangman for killing Pedringano.
(b) Her dislike for Balthazar.
(c) Her frustration at Lorenzo for keeping her prisoner.
(d) Her frustration with her father for trying to marry her to Balthazar.

2. When the ambassador and the king discuss ransom for Horatio, how does the king feel about Horatio's death?
(a) He is excited by his death.
(b) He doesn't know he is dead.
(c) He is relieved by his death.
(d) He is saddened by his death

3. How does Hieronimo fix the problems of the two citizens that have similar issues to each other?
(a) He shoots them.
(b) He hands over his gold and several other possessions to them.
(c) He imprisons the criminals.
(d) He tells them to go to the king.

4. Whom will Isabella find on her imaginary journey?
(a) Balthazar.
(b) Andrea.
(c) Horatio.
(d) Her maid.

5. Who does Lorenzo think gave Hieronimo the note revealing his and Balthazar's guilt?
(a) Balthazar.
(b) Bel-Imperia.
(c) Serberine.
(d) Pedringano.

6. Which of the following topics does Hieronimo not address as he gives a soliloquy in Act 3, Scene 13?
(a) His decision to mask his grief and anger with politeness, good manners and patience.
(b) His hope for a good marriage for Bel-Imperia.
(c) His right to have revenge for the murder of Horatio.
(d) His uncertainty about how to achieve revenge.

7. How are Bel-Imperia and Lorenzo related?
(a) Lorenzo is Bel-Imperia's cousin.
(b) Lorenzo is Bel-Imperia's brother-in-law.
(c) Lorenzo is Bel-Imperia's brother.
(d) Lorenzo is not related to Bel-Imperia.

8. What is Hieronimo's profession?
(a) Marshal.
(b) Viceroy.
(c) Servant.
(d) Hangman.

9. Who says the way to find Lorenzo is to take the path of a guilty conscience "unto a forest of distrust and fear" and to the "rocky cliffs" of despair and death?
(a) The Ghost of Andrea.
(b) The king.
(c) Balthazar.
(d) Hieronimo.

10. Why does Hieronimo, in madness, start digging in the ground?
(a) So that he can crawl into the Underworld.
(b) To create a grave for Lorenzo before he kills him.
(c) So Horatio can emerge from his grave and show the king his wounds.
(d) To find the glove that Bel-Imperia gave Horatio.

11. From whom do the characters in the play obtain costumes?
(a) Themselves.
(b) Castile.
(c) Hieronimo.
(d) The king.

12. How does Balthazar respond to Bel-Imperia's rejection?
(a) He is calm.
(b) He is excited.
(c) He is relieved.
(d) He is wounded.

13. What advice does Lorenzo give Balthazar regarding Bel-Imperia?
(a) To trap Bel-Imperia again and keep her in his cellar.
(b) To take Bel-Imperia immediately to be married.
(c) To be forward and aggressive with Bel-Imperia.
(d) To be cunning, careful, and jesting with Bel-Imperia.

14. What does Lorenzo order regarding Bel-Imperia?
(a) That she stay imprisoned.
(b) That she be killed.
(c) That she be married.
(d) That she be freed.

15. What causes Hieronimo to emerge from his hiding place shouting for justice?
(a) The rewarding of Balthazar.
(b) The sound of Horatio's name.
(c) The sound of Bel-Imperia's sobs.
(d) The rewarding of Lorenzo.

Short Answer Questions

1. What has Revenge been doing while Bel-Imperia and Balthazar are planning their wedding and Hieronimo is agreeing to meet Lorenzo?

2. After Balthazar and Bel-Imperia banter about who loves whom, Bel-Imperia leaves having __________.

3. Who comes in, calms Bel-Imperia and leads her out after her soliloquy in act 3, Scene 9?

4. What is primarily demonstrated by the presence of the third citizen in this scene?

5. Why does Isabella run out as the maid tries to call her at the end of Act 3, Scene 8?

(see the answer keys)

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