The Spanish Tragedy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Spanish Tragedy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Revenge respond to the Ghost's complaints that he doesn't want to watch his friend being slain?
(a) He doesn't get to pick what he sees.
(b) Soon he will see what he wants to see.
(c) Revenge will only do what he wants to do.
(d) Revenge picked the wrong man to kill.

2. Why is Andrea told he is brought back from the underworld?
(a) To kill his best friend.
(b) To understand the hatred of humanity.
(c) To see revenge taken on the man who killed him.
(d) To see how to write a play.

3. To whom does the king send a message via the Portuguese ambassador regarding the marriage of Bel-Imperia and Balthazar?
(a) The viceroy.
(b) Balthazar.
(c) Castile.
(d) Lorenzo.

4. About whom does a courtier make a comment to the viceroy, saying that he is surprised could be filled with so much hate in regard to Balthazar's death?
(a) Balthazar.
(b) Andrea.
(c) Horatio.
(d) Alexandro.

5. How does the king greet Balthazar when he receives him as a prisoner?
(a) Wrathfully.
(b) Graciously.
(c) Viciously.
(d) Excitedly.

6. Who brings Andrea back to the living from the underworld?
(a) Perseus.
(b) Balthazar.
(c) Pluto.
(d) Revenge.

7. How can the language of the viceroy's soliloquy (really an aside) in Act 1, Scene 3 be described?
(a) Subtly depressing.
(b) Emotionally extravagant.
(c) Politely understated.
(d) Ravingly mad.

8. As Bel-Imperia and Horatio return to the banquet after their private conversation, where does Lorenzo say Horatio's soul is headed soon?
(a) "True love."
(b) "Trap of marriage."
(c) "Eternal night."
(d) "Sadness."

9. What does the king tell Castile to do at the end of Act 2, Scene 3?
(a) Convince Bel-Imperia to open her heart to Balthazar.
(b) Pray to God to bring Andrea back.
(c) Meet Balthazar privately.
(d) Pay a higher ransom to obtain Balthazar.

10. Why does the viceroy command Alexandro's imprisonment?
(a) He believes that he is lying about Villuppo's guilt.
(b) He believes that he killed Balthazar.
(c) He believes that he is a poor soldier.
(d) He wants Villuppo to admit his lie.

11. To what play is The Spanish Tragedy a sequel?
(a) "The Jew of Malta."
(b) "The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus."
(c) "The Merry Wives of Windsor."
(d) "The First Part of Hieronimo."

12. Why is Proserpine allowed to return to earth for six months of the year?
(a) To exert revenge.
(b) To be with her mother.
(c) To roam the earth in pity.
(d) To visit her friends.

13. In the underworld, to whom do the governing spirits send Andrea to be judged?
(a) Pluto.
(b) Zeus.
(c) Perseus.
(d) Thor.

14. Does Castile give a time frame for the marriage between Balthazar and Bel-Imperia?
(a) No, he says she will not get married.
(b) Yes, he says it will happen within the year.
(c) Yes, he says it will happen in a month.
(d) No, he says she will come around in time.

15. In the myth referenced in the play, what does Proserpine bring with her when she returns to the Earth?
(a) Tornadoes.
(b) Sadness.
(c) Spring.
(d) Snow.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Hieronimo expected at the king's banquet in Act 1, Scene 4?

2. Who is Horatio's father?

3. Where was Andrea slain?

4. Of what does Lorenzo try to assure Balthazar at the start of Act 2?

5. What decision do Bel-Imperia and Horatio make as Balthazar and Lorenzo look on?

(see the answer keys)

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