Sourcery Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Sourcery Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is it believed that the sourcerer will bring as stated in one of the wizard books?
(a) Mayhem.
(b) Death to wizards.
(c) War.
(d) The end of the world.

2. What does Rincewind take down from the top of his wardrobe?
(a) Luggage.
(b) A hat.
(c) A sword.
(d) Clothing.

3. Where does Ipslore go after Death hits him with lightening?
(a) With his wife.
(b) In the staff.
(c) To the underworld.
(d) No one knows; he just vanishes.

4. What warning is Rincewind given?
(a) A wizard is coming.
(b) A sourcerer is coming.
(c) A storm is coming.
(d) Death is coming.

5. What does the shadow give to Rincewind?
(a) A ring.
(b) A crossbow.
(c) A jar.
(d) A box.

6. What does Spelter sew?
(a) A new robe for Coin.
(b) A new robe for himself.
(c) A new hat.
(d) Curtains for the new windows.

7. What are the wizards drinking at the feast?
(a) Wine.
(b) Punch.
(c) Sherry.
(d) Beer.

8. Who is Conina's father?
(a) Billias the Wizard.
(b) Cohen the Barbarian.
(c) Ipslore the Red.
(d) Coin the Sourcerer.

9. What does the sourcerer request when he gets to the feast?
(a) To meet the most powerful wizard.
(b) The title of head of the Silver Star.
(c) A duel.
(d) A wizard's hat.

10. Why does the wizard make Koble explode?
(a) Koble says he hates wizards.
(b) Koble tells the wizard to go back to the University.
(c) Koble tries to sell his wares to the wizard.
(d) Koble tries to punch the wizard.

11. What does Coin decide to do with the University?
(a) Close it down.
(b) Use it as a hotel.
(c) Turn it into a museum.
(d) Burn it.

12. What does Ipslore make of metal?
(a) A crib.
(b) A talisman.
(c) A wand.
(d) A staff.

13. What happens to Rincewind at the end of the attack?
(a) He faints.
(b) He is wounded badly.
(c) He jumps overboard.
(d) They take him prisoner.

14. What does Coin do to Billias?
(a) He vanishes him.
(b) He places him in a chair where he cannot move from.
(c) He banishes him to the glittering ball.
(d) He turns him into a newt.

15. What city do Rincewind and Conina arrive in after leaving the ship?
(a) Al Khali.
(b) Ankh-Morpork.
(c) Istanbul.
(d) Casablanca.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Wuffles respond to Coin?

2. How does Rincewind get his directions as to what to do to help get rid of the sourcerer after he meets Conina?

3. What decision does Rincewind make about the hat after it is taken from the ship?

4. What happens to the gargoyles?

5. What type of bird is circling the Tower of Art?

(see the answer keys)

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