The Sound of a Voice Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sound of a Voice Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the Woman bring the Man in Scene 2?

2. Why does the Man say he can do so much work?

3. What reason does the Woman give for how she gets her flowers?

4. In Scene 1, the Woman reveals that she does not have many what?

5. The Man says he is accustomed to what?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does the Man say he can do so much on this particular day in Scene 3?

2. What does the Man tell the Woman about her music in Scene 5?

3. What has changed about the Man's reaction at night in Scene 4 from the previous scene of him at night?

4. What does the Man say about the Woman's flowers in the second scene?

5. What is the Man's last act in the play?

6. What does the Woman threaten to do to the Man if he does not listen to her while he is meditating, and what is the Man's response to the threat?

7. How does the Man answer when the Woman asks him what his name is, and what name does the Woman give him?

8. How does the Man react when he is awakened at night in Scene 6?

9. What chore does the Man help the Woman with that he becomes excited about, and how does he react when he completes his task?

10. What is the final image of the Woman in the play, and how does this visually illustrate her name?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The death of the Woman greatly affects the character of the Man and serves as a climactic event in the play. Respond with supporting examples to the following:

1) In what ways has death been portrayed in "The Sound of a Voice"? What significance do these instances of death have?

2) How is the death of the Woman symbolized? In what ways does her death reflect her life?

3) Is the death of the Woman foreshadowed in the play? Does her death seem inevitable?

Essay Topic 2

The play can be defined as a tragedy. The death of the Woman and the loneliness and suffering of the characters dramatically shape the plot of the play. Answer the following with supporting examples:

1) How does the author create a feeling of misfortune and doom throughout the play?

2) How does the fate of the characters create a tragic ending?

3) In your opinion, was the fate of the Man and the Woman inevitable? Does this make the ending more or less tragic?

Essay Topic 3

The fear that the Man and the Woman have has great impact on the way the two characters respond to each other. Answer the following with supporting examples from the play:

1) Why does the Man fear the Woman? What qualities about the Woman intensify his fear?

2) Does the Woman fear the Man as much as the Man fears the Woman? Why?

3) What do both the Woman and the Man fear? Does this concern bring them closer together, farther apart, or both? How?

(see the answer keys)

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