The Sound and the Fury Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sound and the Fury Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of Jason's mistress?
(a) Daisy
(b) Lauren
(c) Lorraine
(d) Lottie

2. Why has Luster not changed Jason's tire?
(a) He does not like Jason.
(b) He was out shopping.
(c) He was watching a film.
(d) He had to look after Benjy.

3. What is Mrs. Compson afraid Jason will do?
(a) Lose his job
(b) Leave her
(c) Lose his temper with Quentin
(d) Become an alcoholic

4. Who tries to attack Quentin?
(a) Gerald Bland
(b) Jason
(c) A skinhead
(d) The girl's brother

5. How does Quentin think his sister has behaved?
(a) Like a mental patient
(b) Like an alien from Mars
(c) Like his mother
(d) Like a nigger woman

6. How old is Quentin?
(a) 14
(b) 25
(c) 17
(d) 20

7. Who does Quentin remember fighting with?
(a) Dalton Ames
(b) Jason
(c) Gerald Bland
(d) Sheve

8. What does Quentin tell the jeweler he is celebrating?
(a) A family wedding
(b) His anniversay
(c) The boat race
(d) A birthday

9. What does Mrs. Compson do with the checks that Caddy sends?
(a) Gives them to charity
(b) Frames them
(c) Puts them in a scrap book
(d) Burns them

10. Where does Lorraine live?
(a) Ohio
(b) Memphis
(c) North Carolina
(d) Las Vegas

11. What does Caddy do when Quentin asks her if she loves Ames?
(a) Holds his hand to her throat
(b) Smiles
(c) Knees him in the groin
(d) Nods her head

12. What does Quentin buy the child at the bakery?
(a) A doughnut
(b) Dog food
(c) Eggplant
(d) Bread

13. What time does Jason check his shares?
(a) Noon
(b) Ten O'clock
(c) Three O'clock
(d) One O'clock

14. Why does Caroline think Jason will make a great banker?
(a) He has practical sense.
(b) He understands the value of money.
(c) He wears glasses.
(d) He is good with figures.

15. What is the opening phrase of this section?
(a) A man's man
(b) Once a bitch always a bitch
(c) Love is all round us
(d) Love not want not

Short Answer Questions

1. How much does Quentin have to pay to stop from going to court?

2. Who does Quentin say buys her school books?

3. How does Quentin describe Gerald's hair?

4. What does Jason say Quentin is upstairs doing?

5. What does Quentin say she will do if Jason does not release her?

(see the answer keys)

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