The Sound and the Fury Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sound and the Fury Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Caddy tell Benjy she will never do?
(a) Beat him
(b) Leave him
(c) Love him
(d) Tease him

2. What does Luster offer to sell the golfer?
(a) Benjy
(b) A brownie
(c) A golf ball
(d) A golf club

3. Where does Quentin say Benjy should be sent?
(a) A circus
(b) The asylum
(c) Jail
(d) The work house

4. What does the man in the red tie offer Benjy?
(a) A cigarette
(b) A match
(c) An orange
(d) An apple

5. Why does TP have to drive the carriage?
(a) If he does not drive it, Benjy will cry.
(b) He is the only person who knows how.
(c) Roskus is unwell.
(d) He can control the horses.

6. In what American state does Faulkner set the novel?
(a) Ohio
(b) Indiana
(c) Mississippi
(d) New York

7. What does Caddy do when she finds out she is pregnant?
(a) She gets an abortion.
(b) She goes to see a priest.
(c) She marries a wealthy banker.
(d) She runs away.

8. Who is Benjy's favorite sibling?
(a) Quentin
(b) Luster
(c) Caddy
(d) Jason

9. Where does Dilsey tell Luster to take Benjy?
(a) The supermarket
(b) The library
(c) The church
(d) School

10. What causes Benjy to moan?
(a) His sore blister
(b) Jason's voice
(c) Luster hitting him
(d) The golfers saying caddy

11. What are the people at the river doing?
(a) Bathing
(b) Washing clothes
(c) Fishing
(d) Sun bathing

12. What does Benji have no understanding of?
(a) Love
(b) Golf
(c) His mother
(d) Time

13. Why does the store owner employ Jason?
(a) He feels sorry for his mother.
(b) He loves his niece.
(c) He is good company.
(d) He brings in extra business.

14. Who does Maury use to send notes to his lover?
(a) The children
(b) Luster
(c) His brother
(d) Dilsey

15. What is the name of Caddy's boyfriend?
(a) Hubby
(b) Jack
(c) Charlie
(d) David

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Quentin's favorite sibling?

2. What does Benjy say Caddy smells like?

3. Why does Versh tell Caddy her mother will whip her?

4. Who does Caddy name her daughter after?

5. Why does Quentin commit suicide?

(see the answer keys)

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