Soul Catcher Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Soul Catcher Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. For what does Ish scold Katsuk?
(a) Bringing a white man into their village.
(b) Disrespecting his elders.
(c) Acting like a shaman.
(d) Claiming to be all-powerful.

2. What is the white name of the woman David and Katsuk meet in the forest?
(a) Mary.
(b) Elizabeth.
(c) Alice.
(d) Sarah.

3. To what group did Katsuk write a letter urging action?
(a) United Indian Council.
(b) Displaced Indian Council.
(c) NAACP.
(d) The Attorney General's Office.

4. What has Katsuk found to use as a knife?
(a) A piece of obsidian.
(b) A sharp rock.
(c) An ax head.
(d) A broken steak knife blade.

5. What does the FBI suspect Katsuk is acting as?
(a) A serial killer.
(b) A victim.
(c) A Native American militant.
(d) A martyr.

6. What purpose is the duck down really for?
(a) To give to Katsuk's mother.
(b) To attract the ravens.
(c) To spread on David's body after killing him.
(d) To make a warm bed.

7. What happens when Katsuk screams for Raven when arguing with Ish?
(a) He loses his voice.
(b) It begins to thunder and lightning.
(c) A single raven lands on one of the huts.
(d) All answers are correct.

8. When David manages to survive the night, what does he wish?
(a) That Katsuk could see him using the skills Katsuk taught him.
(b) That he was at home in his own bed.
(c) That his rescuers would show up.
(d) That he could produce smoke signals.

9. What do the locals admire about the Native Americans?
(a) Their hunting prowess.
(b) Their ability to survive in the wilderness.
(c) Their long, flowing hair.
(d) Their spirituality.

10. What does David ask to do that Katsuk takes as a possible request for death?
(a) Go to sleep for a long time.
(b) Help carve the bow.
(c) Have it all end.
(d) Go home.

11. In his college paper, what did Katsuk accuse the white men of doing?
(a) Hurting his sister.
(b) Not really living their lives and focusing on all the wrong things.
(c) All of the answers are correct.
(d) Giving in to all of the temptations put in front of them.

12. What does Katsuk demand of the group from the tiny village?
(a) Unquestioning loyalty.
(b) The right to wear the robes of a chief.
(c) A bear skin and deer meat.
(d) A wife.

13. What do Katsuk and David come upon in the forest in Section 7?
(a) Black bears.
(b) A gathering of huts.
(c) Bobcats.
(d) Poachers.

14. In Section 9, Katsuk says the gods are talking to him through what?
(a) Wind and smoke.
(b) The river.
(c) Lightning and thunder.
(d) The ravens.

15. What object does David throw at Katsuk in Section 11?
(a) Glass.
(b) A knife.
(c) A rock.
(d) A book.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do the people of the tiny village feel about Katsuk?

2. What upsets David as he continues his second escape?

3. What is the name of David's teacher?

4. What about the man David wrote a paper about made David question him as a hero?

5. What is Tskanay's relationship to Katsuk?

(see the answer keys)

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