Soul Catcher Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Soul Catcher Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of David's teacher?
(a) Bob Kennedy.
(b) Howard Marshall.
(c) Tilman Barth.
(d) Harlow B. Watts.

2. What did Katsuk write a paper about when he was a college student?
(a) The persecution of the historical Native American.
(b) The lack of feeling in Western literature.
(c) The plague of the white man.
(d) His sister's boyfriend.

3. For what purpose does Katsuk tell David he is saving the duck down?
(a) A special ceremony.
(b) Spiritual medicine.
(c) A pillow.
(d) All answers are correct.

4. What does Katsuk do when David tells the woman his name?
(a) He denies David food and water.
(b) He ties David to a tree.
(c) He beats the woman.
(d) He beats David.

5. Who did David once question as a hero in a school paper?
(a) Abraham Lincoln.
(b) Bob Kennedy.
(c) Martin Luther King.
(d) John Glenn.

6. Cally tells Katsuk that killing David will make him like whom?
(a) Those he worships.
(b) The white men.
(c) His father.
(d) His ancestors.

7. What is Katsuk wearing as he wanders through the mountains in Section 10?
(a) A down parka.
(b) Jeans and a tee shirt.
(c) A ceremonial robe.
(d) Only a loincloth.

8. What about the man David wrote a paper about made David question him as a hero?
(a) He only served a small group.
(b) He was an egotistical leader.
(c) He made no mistakes.
(d) He killed as many as he saved.

9. How many pebbles has David collected in Section 9?
(a) Six.
(b) Seven.
(c) Three.
(d) One.

10. What does Katsuk tell David will happen if he goes back to sleep?
(a) Spirits will guide his dreams.
(b) All of the answers are correct.
(c) He will feel rested when he wakes up.
(d) He will find that this was all a dream.

11. Katsuk says native healers are concerned with what?
(a) The cycle of the moon.
(b) Making people well.
(c) The balance of the earth.
(d) Herbs and potions.

12. What sends David into a depression after it passes?
(a) His birthday.
(b) An airplane.
(c) A fainting spell.
(d) An army truck.

13. David practices what meditative technique?
(a) Not thinking.
(b) Humming.
(c) Hypnotism.
(d) Visualization.

14. Where does the object David throws hit Katsuk?
(a) In the arm.
(b) In the face.
(c) In the back.
(d) It misses.

15. How many pebbles has David collected in Section 10?
(a) Four.
(b) Sixteen.
(c) Nine.
(d) Eight.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is David not worried about Katsuk killing him, despite Katsuk's volatile mood swings?

2. When David manages to survive the night, what does he wish?

3. What does Katsuk know David would do after he escaped a second time?

4. What upsets David as he continues his second escape?

5. For what does Ish scold Katsuk?

(see the answer keys)

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