Soul on Ice Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Soul on Ice Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the man say he gave his girlfriend?
(a) A rose
(b) A pocket knife
(c) A gun
(d) A guitar

2. What does Cleaver say America thinks of itself collectively?
(a) A country of freedom
(b) A paradise
(c) A huge rescue squad
(d) A country of equal rights

3. What war does Cleaver talk about in this chapter?
(a) World War II
(b) The Korean War
(c) The American Civil War
(d) The Vietnam War

4. Who used to pick fights with the old man?
(a) His mother
(b) His brother
(c) His girlfriend
(d) His boss

5. Who does Cleaver address in this chapter?
(a) All white women
(b) All black women
(c) Africa
(d) The world

6. What have the two sexes always sought to do after splitting up?
(a) Argue
(b) Reunite
(c) Procreate
(d) Run away from each other

7. What does Cleaver compare the Negro Revolution to?
(a) The American Civil War
(b) The Vietnam War
(c) World War II
(d) American Independence

8. Where does Cleaver say humans climbed out from?
(a) Primordial ooze
(b) A swap
(c) An Icelandic volcano
(d) The sea

9. What does Cleaver say America has 20 million of?
(a) Hippies
(b) Teenagers
(c) Poets
(d) Blacks

10. Who does Cleaver write letters to in this chapter?
(a) Beverly Axelrod
(b) Lauren Hill
(c) Malcolm X
(d) President Kennedy

11. What does Cleaver think was not a positive move for the Negro revolution?
(a) Malcolm X's death
(b) The Watts riots
(c) Martin Luther King's speech
(d) President Kennedy's death

12. What does Cleaver call black women at the end of the chapter?
(a) Devils
(b) Angels
(c) Queens
(d) Victims

13. What does Cleaver say Axelrod revived?
(a) Guilt
(b) A sense of proportion
(c) A sense of self
(d) Sexual desire

14. What does Cleaver say is the only guarantee for black security?
(a) To peacefully demonstrate
(b) To have a black president
(c) To move back to Africa
(d) To join minorities from around the world

15. What does Cleaver say is the American tendency?
(a) To oppress minorities
(b) To earn money in every situation
(c) To be a winner
(d) To run to anyone

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of men do black women respect?

2. What does Cleaver say peasants used to be like?

3. Who does Cleaver say is here to stay?

4. What does Cleaver think is the blacks' strengths?

5. What does the man say he said to the traffic cop many times?

(see the answer keys)

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