Sorry, Wrong Number Test | Final Test - Hard

Lucille Fletcher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sorry, Wrong Number Test | Final Test - Hard

Lucille Fletcher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What time is it as Duffy tries to end the call with Mrs. Stevenson?

2. What does Mrs. Stevenson do when Duffy says he has other matters to attend to?

3. Where does the man work who calls Mrs. Stevenson in Act I, Part 4?

4. What sound does Mrs. Stevenson make when she throw herself back against the pillows?

5. What does Duffy do while Mrs. Stevenson talks and explains about the call she overheard?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Duffy suggest that Mrs. Stevenson view the matter?

2. What does Duffy say about murders in the city?

3. What does Mrs. Stevenson to do after trying her husband's office number again at the end of Act I, Part 4?

4. After speaking with Western Union, what sound can be heard outside and what does Mrs. Stevenson do?

5. How does Mrs. Stevenson react after hearing the telegram her husband sent?

6. Why does the operator tell Mrs. Stevenson that she cannot put through the missed calls Mrs. Stevenson received?

7. What does Mrs. Stevenson say about her maid?

8. What does Duffy tell Mrs. Stevenson when she says that the murder could take place in her neighborhood?

9. What does the delivery boy tell Duffy he brought him, and why is Duffy frustrated with what the delivery boy brought?

10. What does Mrs. Stevenson say about her daily schedule?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

At first, Mrs. Stevenson is just concerned that someone is going to be murdered. What conversation does Mrs. Stevenson have that puts the idea in her head that she might be the intended victim? Has that thought crossed her mind before? What type of reasoning does Mrs Stevenson use to determine that she is going to be the victim?

Essay Topic 2

The play is very short and the timeline in the play is very abbreviated. How much time is there between when the curtain rises and falls? How does the time span affect characters, especially Mrs. Stevenson? How does time influence behavior? How does the use of time affect the plot and storyline? What might time symbolize?

Essay Topic 3

The play was written in 1943. The plot of play is dependent upon how telephone calls were made in that time period. What elements of the play might be difficult for readers to understand? What elements are universal to all time periods? How does the fact that the play was written in 1943 affect readers and their understanding of the play?

(see the answer keys)

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