Sophie's World Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sophie's World Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is an example of negative results of natural selection?
(a) Hyperactive children.
(b) The theft of DNA.
(c) The overuse of antibiotics.
(d) Rabid dogs.

2. What does Hume say people's feelings are not based on?
(a) Experience.
(b) History.
(c) Reason.
(d) Tradition.

3. What does Hilde agree with Alberto about concerning her father's treatment of the characters?
(a) He is dangerous.
(b) His demeanor is snobbish.
(c) His career takes precedence over everything.
(d) He is too manipulating.

4. On June 14th, what does Hermes say?
(a) "Joanna, go away!"
(b) "Come home, Major."
(c) "Leave Sophie alone."
(d) "Happy Birthday, Hilde."

5. What is the role of a philosopher, according to Hegel?
(a) To be the mirror that reflects the ideas of his or her own time.
(b) To question all that come to him.
(c) To feed and clothe those in need.
(d) To teach those that are discouraged.

Short Answer Questions

1. What situation does Alberto apply Hume's argument to?

2. Where does Hilde discover her father will be when she seeks revenge?

3. Where are Sophie and Alberto after their adventures in the binder end?

4. When Sophie climbs a tree, who rescues her from it?

5. What does Kierkegaard accuse Hegel of doing?

Short Essay Questions

1. Kierkegaard coined the slogan, "Question Authority." Write about two instances where you have seen this slogan used in our culture.

2. Freud analyzes dreams. What sort of dreams do people analyze today? Why would people want to analyze their dreams?

3. How does Freud relate to the theme "bravery" of this novel?

4. Does Marx's idea of a classless society sound appealing? Why?

5. The ideal of the romantics is for complete originality. Does our culture still value that ideal today? How?

6. Were you confused by Darwin's theory at all? Explain how you were or weren't.

7. Was the point of view change in the story effective? Why?

8. Kant looked at the individual's perception as most important. How is this theory applicable to Sophie?

9. Why does the old woman take Sophie and Alberto to the storybook character's camp?

10. Are Hilde's plans for her father well designed? Why?

(see the answer keys)

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