Sophie's World Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sophie's World Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are Sophie and Alberto's lives like after their adventures in the binder end?
(a) They travel the world.
(b) They disappear.
(c) They see people, but the people cannot see or hear them.
(d) They retreat to the cabin.

2. As the Major travels home, what sign does he read?
(a) "Why did you hurt my feelings?"
(b) "Where did you put Sophie?"
(c) "I can see you, Dad!"
(d) "I wish you would come home."

3. What is the HMS Beagle?
(a) The type of dog Hermes is.
(b) A ship Darwin takes to South America.
(c) The car at Sophie's party.
(d) The exit that the Major takes at the airport.

4. According to Hegel, what is human progress?
(a) When education becomes more widespread.
(b) When customs fall and nature takes hold.
(c) When truth continues to change.
(d) When more evil dissipates.

5. According to Alberto, the Romantic Movement tends to degenerate into what?
(a) All answers are correct.
(b) Nothingness.
(c) A conservative and introverted movement.
(d) The hippie counter-culture in the early 1800s.

6. What is in the Major's first envelope from Hilde?
(a) A message from Sophie.
(b) Money.
(c) A note concerning the Mercedes.
(d) A picture of her mirror.

7. When Sophie climbs a tree, who rescues her from it?
(a) The magical goose.
(b) A fireman.
(c) Mrs. Ingebrigtsen.
(d) Her cat.

8. What does Hilde think of Sophie and Alberto?
(a) They were never real.
(b) They manipulate her.
(c) They exist on some level.
(d) They are just as real as she.

9. What does Kierkegaard's philosophy emphasize?
(a) Individuality.
(b) Rebellion.
(c) Conformity.
(d) Largess.

10. After philosophers who are rationalists, what is the shift toward?
(a) Empiricism.
(b) Romanticism.
(c) Puritanism.
(d) Transcendentalism.

11. What happens to the Ingebrigtsens' Mercedes?
(a) Keyed.
(b) Runs out of gas.
(c) Stolen.
(d) Wrecked.

12. What does Aladdin bring when he visits Alberto and Sophie?
(a) A pitchfork and saw.
(b) A pot of gold.
(c) His wand and potion.
(d) His genie.

13. What trails the plane that Alberto and Sophie see?
(a) Black smoke.
(b) A skydiver.
(c) Another plane.
(d) A banner saying "Happy Birthday, Hilde."

14. Where does "Sophie's World" exist?
(a) New York.
(b) Paris.
(c) An imaginary planet.
(d) A material world outside of human consciousness.

15. What religion does Hume associate with?
(a) Atheism.
(b) Christianity.
(c) Buddhism.
(d) Agnosticism.

Short Answer Questions

1. What angers Alberto at the Cinderella Cafe?

2. What ideals characterize the Romantic period?

3. What does Freud develop?

4. On June 14th, what does Hermes say?

5. Why does Sophie laugh at the Emperor?

(see the answer keys)

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