Sophie's Choice Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 183 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sophie's Choice Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 183 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What were the two types of concentration camps in Poland?
(a) Jewish and other
(b) male and female
(c) the death camp and the slave labor camp
(d) Polish and Russian

2. At the camp, who was Bronek?
(a) a prison guard
(b) the housekeeper at Hoss'
(c) a member of the resistance group
(d) Hoss' son

3. What was the name of the pamphlet Sophie's father wrote about Poland?
(a) Poland: How To Resist The Nazis
(b) Poland: The People and Country Compared to Germany
(c) Poland's Jewish Problem: Does National Socialism Have the Answer
(d) Poland: A Land Ripe and Ready for Hitler

4. Why was Sophie given a preferred position in the concentration camp?
(a) her knowledge of Spainish
(b) her ability to take German shorthand
(c) her knowledge of Europe
(d) her knowledge of English

5. Who does Sophie dream about on her last night in Hoss' household?
(a) her husband
(b) Dürrfeld
(c) Professor Biegański
(d) her son

Short Answer Questions

1. What was Sophie comforting Dr. Blackstock?

2. What music did Sophie often hear while working for Hoss?

3. What does the doctor at Auschwitz tell Sophie about her children?

4. Why is Stingo interested in writing about Sophie?

5. What did Jozef do in Poland?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Stingo's interaction with his father during his father's trip to New York.

2. What kind of literature is Stingo reading twenty years after meeting Sophie and Nathan and why is he reading it?

3. What did Sophie first tell Stingo about her son and how she tried to help him at the camp?

4. What did Sophie tell about her son and the concentration camp?

5. Describe what happens between Sophie and Hoss when he receives a letter he wants her to translate.

6. Describe the memory Sophie has been circling around the entire book.

7. Explain the story about Dr. Walter Dürrfeld and Sophie.

8. Describe some of the trip Sophie took with Nathan to Connecticut.

9. What do Stingo and Sophie do and talk about in the hotel in Washington?

10. Sophie's attraction to Dr. Dürrfeld is a metaphor which also came out in her dream. Explain this statement.

(see the answer keys)

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