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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. How does Stingo feel about his old girlfriend's death?
(a) happy
(b) angry
(c) indifferent
(d) concern, as well as a certain despair
2. How do Leslie's parents appear to Stingo?
(a) uneducated
(b) cultured and well-mannered
(c) standoffish
(d) boring
3. What happened to Sophie's father and husband?
(a) they were held prisoner for the entire war
(b) they were gunned down
(c) they toiled in a munitions factory
(d) they escaped and went to America
4. Why does Stingo keep checking his watch when he and Sophie are talking?
(a) he has to be at work
(b) he wants to get out before Nathan gets home
(c) he thinks it's not working
(d) his mind is on his hot date that night
5. How do Sophie and Nathan dress after their fight?
(a) like American soldiers
(b) like 1920 flappers
(c) in the style of the 1930s
(d) in matching riding outfits
6. Why is Madame Bovary Nathan's favorite book?
(a) his brother wrote the book
(b) he likes the character, Madame Bovary
(c) he likes the author
(d) because of its suicide motif
7. Who did she meet in the library after she fainted?
(a) Nathan
(b) Stingo
(c) Julia
(d) David
8. How does Stingo end up on his hot date with Leslie?
(a) in bed with Sophie
(b) sound asleep on the couch
(c) in jail for attempted rape
(d) in bed with Leslie for the weekend
9. What does the Weasel want from Stingo?
(a) to write a best selling novel
(b) to bring in more writers
(c) to conform to office standards
(d) to bring him lunch every day
10. What does Sophie tell Nathan in defense of Stingo?
(a) he's all mouth and to shut up
(b) he hasn't lived in the south so he is ignorant
(c) he is prejudiced against women
(d) he does not know firsthand about concentration camps
11. In what shape was Sophie when the prison was liberated?
(a) starved and ill
(b) about the same as when she arrived
(c) thin, but basically healthy
(d) better than most prisoners
12. What kind of announcement does Nathan plan to make the night they meet in the bar?
(a) that he is moving to Tennessee
(b) that he is mentally ill
(c) about a big scientific breakthrough
(d) that he has changed jobs
13. How does Stingo attempt to calm the situation with Nathan's anger?
(a) by flattering him
(b) by proposing a toast to Nathan
(c) by threatening him
(d) by putting a drug in his wine
14. What is Stingo's goal in life?
(a) to be a bank president
(b) to own McGraw-Hill
(c) to be a stockbroker
(d) to become a writer
15. How does Nathan feel about Stingo being a writer?
(a) impressed
(b) disparging
(c) delighted
(d) contemptuous
Short Answer Questions
1. What does Nathan think is wrong with Sophie?
2. What religion was Sophie when young?
3. Where is Sophie working in 1947, in America?
4. How does Stingo's first novel open?
5. What type of role has Stingo acquired in Sophie's life?
This section contains 520 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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