Sophie & Carter Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Chelsea Fine
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sophie & Carter Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Chelsea Fine
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Sophie do when she sees Carter at school?
(a) Annoys him.
(b) Asks him questions.
(c) Flirts with him.
(d) Avoids him.

2. What does Carter fix in Sophie's house?
(a) The rocking chair.
(b) The clock.
(c) The TV.
(d) The kitchen table.

3. What makes one of Sophie's siblings spill something?
(a) The house shakes.
(b) He is angry.
(c) The table is unsteady.
(d) The glass is broken.

4. What class is Sophie often late for?
(a) English.
(b) Spanish.
(c) Math.
(d) History.

5. How do Sophie and Carter know each other?
(a) Their parents work together.
(b) The go to the same church.
(c) They are neighbors.
(d) They are cousins.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Sophie feel about the gift Carter brings her at night?

2. What made Carter able to beat his father?

3. What do Sophie are Carter usually never do while together at night?

4. Where does Sophie see Carter while at school?

5. What does Carter's mother think he sprays on her when he gets home?

Short Essay Questions

1. What causes Carter to be jealous?

2. What does Carter's friend ask about Sophie?

3. What does Sophie do for Carter every morning, and why?

4. How does Sophie get in contact with her mother?

5. What does Sophie do on the porch swing that is new and different?

6. How does Carter help his mother with the problem she has at the beginning of the book?

7. What problem does Carter's mother have when he gets home at the beginning of the book?

8. What does Sophie always do for Carter on the way home from school?

9. What does Sophie do when she sees Carter in the hall at the beginning of the book?

10. How do Carter and Sophie get home from school every day?

(see the answer keys)

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