Sophie & Carter Test | Final Test - Easy

Chelsea Fine
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sophie & Carter Test | Final Test - Easy

Chelsea Fine
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What makes it hard for Carter to leave his house at times?
(a) His work schedule.
(b) His fear about his father.
(c) His mother's illness.
(d) His illness.

2. What does Sophie do while Carter drinks coffee in his house?
(a) Cleans the kitchen.
(b) Does some homework.
(c) Sings.
(d) Brushes his mother's hair.

3. Why can't Sophie tell Carter she loves him where she wants to?
(a) He doesn't come home in time.
(b) Her sister gets sick.
(c) He can't come over that night.
(d) She gets scared.

4. What does Sophie's mother get confused about when Sophie talks to her?
(a) How many children she has.
(b) Where she is.
(c) What her real name is.
(d) How to get home.

5. What does Sophie's mother want Sophie to do when she gets to the club?
(a) Visit more often.
(b) Be in a show with her.
(c) Bring the kids to visit.
(d) Give her an address.

6. What makes Sophie angry?
(a) She got a bad grade.
(b) She is jealous of Whitney.
(c) Carter ignored her.
(d) She is running out of food.

7. Why does Sophie take Carter coffee to his house one morning?
(a) She needs a reason to see him.
(b) He couldn't come to her house.
(c) He is running late.
(d) He is sick.

8. What bothers Sophie about her mother's friend at the club?
(a) She sells drugs.
(b) She is topless.
(c) She is sick.
(d) She is drunk.

9. Where does Sophie plan to tell Carter she loves him?
(a) The car.
(b) The swing.
(c) Under the tree.
(d) His bedroom.

10. What does Sophie's mother's friend at the club do that bothers Sophie?
(a) Flirts with Carter.
(b) Suggests Sophie get a job there,
(c) Hits her mom.
(d) Gives her mother drugs.

11. What does Carter sense when Sophie talks about Whitney?
(a) Animosity.
(b) Jealousy.
(c) Anger.
(d) Resentment.

12. Where does Carter tell Sophie he loves her?
(a) Sophie's bedroom.
(b) His kitchen.
(c) His truck.
(d) The school.

13. What kind of person does Carter say Sophie needs?
(a) Someone who knows how to raise children.
(b) Someone who is tough.
(c) Someone who is as smart as her.
(d) Someone who can take care of her.

14. What does Sophie call her siblings?
(a) The Terrors.
(b) The Smalls.
(c) The Kidlets.
(d) The Littles.

15. Where did Carter and Sophie take trips to when they got older?
(a) The clubs.
(b) The college.
(c) The museum.
(d) The mines.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Sophie tell Carter she loves him?

2. Who does Sophie talk to first in the club?

3. What makes Sophie's mother act strange when Sophie gets to her?

4. What word does Carter use to describe Sophie's ex boyfriend?

5. What does the person Sophie talks to first in the club suggest Sophie do?

(see the answer keys)

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