Song of Solomon Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Song of Solomon Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Milkman leave behind?
(a) His green bag
(b) His money
(c) His suitcase
(d) His car

2. What do the older men in town want Milkman to do?
(a) Find a treasure
(b) Go hunting
(c) Give them money
(d) Move in

3. Where does First Corinthians go to school?
(a) Bryn Mawr
(b) Oberlin
(c) Harvard
(d) Yale

4. To where does Milkman decide to drive?
(a) Shalimar
(b) Cleveland
(c) Danville
(d) Dayton

5. What ruins Hagar's new purchases?
(a) Oil
(b) Coffee
(c) Rain
(d) Nothing does

6. What happens because Guitar and Milkman have the green bag?
(a) They are arrested
(b) They get into a car accident
(c) The are killed
(d) They argue

7. What does Hagar not buy?
(a) Perfumes
(b) Cosmetics
(c) Boots
(d) Clothes

8. How many times does Milkman fire his gun?
(a) 4
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 1

9. Who drops off Milkman at his final destination?
(a) Rev. Cooper
(b) Rev. Cooper's son
(c) Jeremy
(d) Macon

10. Who watches the criminals run away?
(a) Hagar
(b) Ruth
(c) Reba
(d) Pilate

11. What does Guitar think Milkman has done?
(a) Told the police about his organization
(b) Told someone about The Seven Days
(c) Lied about his past
(d) Cheated him out of his share of the gold

12. With whom does First Corinthians start a relationship?
(a) Guitar
(b) Porter
(c) Robert
(d) Tommy

13. Where does Milkman buy the used car?
(a) From someone's yard
(b) From his dad
(c) From Guitar
(d) At a dealership

14. Who does Milkman believe can help him?
(a) Susan Byrd
(b) Ruth
(c) Grace Long
(d) Rev. Cooper

15. Who is Susan's aunt?
(a) Circe
(b) Sing
(c) Lena
(d) Ruth

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Sing's ethnicity?

2. Why does Guitar warn Milkman about his impending death?

3. What shocks Pilate and Reba?

4. To where does Milkman return?

5. Where is Guitar waiting for Milkman?

(see the answer keys)

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