Song of Solomon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Song of Solomon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where do Macon and Pilate decide to sleep?
(a) In a cave
(b) Under a rock formation
(c) In the attic
(d) In the field

2. What is the name of the organization of which Guitar is a part?
(a) The Seven Days
(b) The Seven Men
(c) The Blacks Over the Whites
(d) The Weekly Warriors

3. What is Hagar's relationship to Milkman?
(a) Friend
(b) Aunt
(c) Cousin
(d) Brother

4. Does Macon explain why he doesn't want Milkman to visit his aunt?
(a) Sort of
(b) No
(c) Yes, and he beats him as punishment
(d) Yes

5. What did Pilate use to protect Ruth and her unborn son?
(a) Wine
(b) Songs
(c) Voodoo
(d) Poultices

6. What is so special about the item in #74?
(a) It contains gold
(b) It contains a map
(c) It is the resting place of his father
(d) It has a treasure in the back

7. The purpose of Guitar's organization is to kill _______ white person(s) for each black person that is killed at the hands of a white person
(a) Ten
(b) One
(c) Two
(d) Five

8. What does Milkman send to Hagar?
(a) A ring
(b) A pair of fancy shoes
(c) A new nightgown
(d) Money and a letter

9. What is Milkman's aunt doing when he comes up to her house?
(a) Chewing on berries
(b) Cleaning
(c) Sleeping
(d) Smoking

10. What is Robert Smith's profession?
(a) Doctor
(b) Slave
(c) Insurance agent
(d) Butler

11. For how long does Milkman want to leave town?
(a) A year
(b) A week
(c) A decade
(d) A month

12. What must Milkman promise in order to find out more from Guitar?
(a) Absolute secrecy
(b) A $20 bill
(c) Gold
(d) His first born

13. What is Guitar drinking?
(a) Gin and tonic
(b) Rum
(c) Nothing alcoholic
(d) Vodka

14. Who is thought to have killed the white boy?
(a) Porter
(b) Guitar
(c) Empire State
(d) Milkman

15. Who is the one person for whom Milkman does not buy a Christmas present?
(a) Lena
(b) Macon
(c) Hagar
(d) Ruth

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Macon Dead do for work?

2. Who is Milkman becoming worried about?

3. Who has Milkman been sleeping with for some time?

4. What is the date at the beginning of this story?

5. Who scares Macon away from the cave and hinders him from leaving with the item in #82?

(see the answer keys)

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