Song of Myself Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Song of Myself Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many “young men bathe by the shore,” according to the narrator in Section 11?
(a) 28.
(b) 15.
(c) 20.
(d) 6.

2. What question does the narrator say a child asked in Section 6?
(a) “What is the grass?”
(b) “Who are the birds?”
(c) “Where are the turtles?”
(d) “When will summer come?”

3. The narrator claims to wear what as he pleases “indoors or out” in Section 20?
(a) His pistol.
(b) His hat.
(c) His boots.
(d) His pants.

4. What color, in addition to green, is considered the “tufted crown intentional” by the narrator in Section 13?
(a) Red.
(b) Yellow.
(c) Orange.
(d) Violet.

5. How many suns does the narrator claim there are left in Section 2?
(a) But a few.
(b) Dozens.
(c) Millions.
(d) A handful.

Short Answer Questions

1. In describing his body in Section 3, the narrator claims, “Not an inch nor a particle of an inch is” what?

2. The narrator says in Section 20, “Having pried through the strata, analyzed to a hair, counsel'd with doctors and calculated close, I find no sweeter fat than sticks to my own” what?

3. What “impassive” objects “receive and return so many echoes,” according to the narrator in Section 8?

4. The narrator says in Section 13 to not call what creature “unworthy because she is not something else”?

5. Who does the “red girl” marry in Section 10?

Short Essay Questions

1. What foreshadowing is exhibited in Section 1 of the poem? How is the universal “I” set up in this section?

2. How is “the lunatic” described in Section 15 of the poem?

3. What imagery is the focus of Section 11 of the poem?

4. Whom does the poet invite to eat the meal in Section 19?

5. How does the poet define “I” and “you” in response to his own questions in Section 20?

6. How does the poet’s delineation of “self” evolve in Section 5 of the poem?

7. What is the metaphorical meaning in the following lines from Section 7: “Has any one supposed it lucky to be born? / I hasten to inform him or her it is just as lucky to die, and I know it.”?

8. What is Whitman’s conclusion regarding “failure” in Section 18?

9. What does the “twenty-ninth bather” represent metaphorically in Section 11?

10. For whom does Whitman describe playing victory marches in Section 18?

(see the answer keys)

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