Song of Myself Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Song of Myself Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To what does the narrator say “I resign myself to you also” in the beginning of Section 21?
(a) “You canyon!”
(b) “You desert!”
(c) “You sea!”
(d) “You forest!”

2. The narrator asserts in Section 20, “I know this orbit of mine cannot be swept by” what?
(a) “A carpenter’s compass.”
(b) “A witch’s broom.”
(c) “The winds of time.”
(d) “The moon’s rays.”

3. What word from Section 5 refers to a beam fastened to the keel of a vessel for strength?
(a) Rudder.
(b) Plank.
(c) Jib.
(d) Kelson.

4. What “impassive” objects “receive and return so many echoes,” according to the narrator in Section 8?
(a) “Clouds.”
(b) “Stones.”
(c) “Swamps.”
(d) “Trees.”

5. The narrator claims in Section 5, “I know that the hand of God is the promise of” what?
(a) “Others.”
(b) “Salvation.”
(c) “My own.”
(d) “Good fortune.”

6. What does the butcher-boy put off, according to the narrator in Section 12?
(a) “His killing-clothes.”
(b) “His church clothes.”
(c) “His working clothes.”
(d) “His resting clothes.”

7. What does the narrator say he does “alone far in the wilds and mountains” in Section 10?
(a) Hunts.
(b) Fishes.
(c) Ponders.
(d) Prays.

8. In describing his body in Section 3, the narrator claims, “Not an inch nor a particle of an inch is” what?
(a) “Diseased.”
(b) “Without pain.”
(c) “Immune.”
(d) “Vile.”

9. With whom does the narrator describe spending “that day round the chowder-kettle” in Section 10?
(a) Boatsmen and clam-diggers.
(b) Farmers and ranchers.
(c) Bankers and businessmen.
(d) Drunks and criminals.

10. What character is “sold at the auction-stand” in Section 15?
(a) The quadroon girl.
(b) The Polish boy.
(c) The Asian girl.
(d) The Mexican girl.

11. For what does the narrator exclaim “Hurrah!” for in Section 23?
(a) “Positive science.”
(b) “Positive emotions.”
(c) “Events.”
(d) “Politics.”

12. The narrator describes “Houses and rooms” full of what in the beginning of Section 2?
(a) Perfumes.
(b) Paintings.
(c) Ornate carvings.
(d) Rich wood.

13. How is the girl described that accompanies the youngster “up the bushy hill” in Section 8?
(a) “Red-eyed.”
(b) “Red-faced.”
(c) “Red-headed.”
(d) “Red-skinned.”

14. What does the narrator bring to the runaway slave when he encounters him in Section 10?
(a) A letter.
(b) A tub of water.
(c) A bale of hay.
(d) An old dog.

15. The narrator claims in Section 20, “I laugh at what you call” what?
(a) “Progress.”
(b) “Dissolution.”
(c) “Sacred.”
(d) “Wealth.”

Short Answer Questions

1. How many horses is “the negro” driving in Section 13?

2. The narrator says in Section 20, “Having pried through the strata, analyzed to a hair, counsel'd with doctors and calculated close, I find no sweeter fat than sticks to my own” what?

3. The narrator claims to “lean and loafe at my ease observing” what, in Section 1?

4. The narrator describes being surrounded by “trippers” and what in the opening of Section 4?

5. The narrator claims to wear what as he pleases “indoors or out” in Section 20?

(see the answer keys)

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