Son Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Son Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What name is given to Claire upon her arrival in the village?
(a) Seashore Claire.
(b) Water Claire.
(c) Drenched Claire.
(d) Wet Claire.

2. How old are the three best friends Delwyth, Bethan, and Eira at the time of Claire's arrival in the village?
(a) Ten.
(b) Eight.
(c) Six.
(d) Four.

3. For what has Alys always yearned?
(a) A son.
(b) A cat.
(c) A daughter.
(d) A rabbit.

4. What is the most severe injury Claire receives as a result of the bird attack?
(a) A cut on her neck.
(b) An eye swollen shut.
(c) A broken arm.
(d) A gash in her arm that reaches the bone.

5. How had Einar's mother died?
(a) She had been murdered by Einar's father.
(b) She had died in childbirth with Einar.
(c) She had contracted pneumonia.
(d) She had fallen off a cliff.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Claire feels she has mastered the running of the hillside path, what does Einar do to make the task more difficult?

2. With what malady has Tall Andras's mother been plagued for months by the time he creates the mommet?

3. When Bryn gives birth to a healthy baby girl, what does Claire shout at Alys?

4. When Claire tells Einar that she wants to climb out, what is his first reply?

5. What is the one detail of Claire's arrival in the village that remains constant over time?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is revealed about the relationship of Old Benedikt and Alys?

2. What does Alys tell Claire about the power of scent?

3. What is the only thing Claire remembers from her past once she arrives in the village after fleeing the community by boat?

4. What is Trademaster's attitude toward Claire's longing for her son?

5. What elements of the job of fisherman make it dangerous for villagers who undertake the position?

6. How is Trademaster's appearance described in the narrative?

7. For what purpose does Claire venture out of her house on a winter day to seek out Einar?

8. Though Alys is childless herself, what experience does she have that qualifies her for the care of Claire upon Claire's arrival in the village?

9. What does Claire decide to do in order to regain her lost memories?

10. Why do Bethan, Delwyth, and Eira stop playing a pretend game involving babies and instead switch to playing tea party?

(see the answer keys)

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