Son of a Trickster Test | Final Test - Medium

Eden Robinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Son of a Trickster Test | Final Test - Medium

Eden Robinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many children does Wee'git have?
(a) 343.
(b) 611.
(c) 125.
(d) 532.

2. When does Jared say he cares what other people think, in Chapter 32: "Dylan Quits Hockey"?
(a) Only when he is trying to sell pot cookies.
(b) When the people judging are his friends.
(c) Only on days with an 'x' in them.
(d) When the people judging are his family.

3. Who gets into a verbal sparing match in Chapter 38: "We'll Always Have Alderaan"?
(a) Ebony and Jared.
(b) Ebony and Sarah.
(c) Sarah and Jared.
(d) Ebony and Dylan.

4. Who does Jared text, "What do you know about river otters?" in Chapter 33: "The Shadow of Your Existence"?
(a) His mom.
(b) Nana Sophia.
(c) Sarah.
(d) Mrs. Jaks.

5. What type of bird does Jared compare the thing he can see under Nana Sophia's skin when she becomes angry in Chapter 36: "Goodbye To All That"?
(a) A raven.
(b) A pterodactyl.
(c) An ostrich.
(d) A crow.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Jared move to in Chapter 37: "Two Tickets to Paradise"?

2. Who is Ebony dating in Chapter 32: "Dylan Quits Hockey"?

3. What word means 'high chief lady medicine woman'?

4. Who shows up while Jared and his mom are doing the dishes in Chapter 24: "Kiss and Make Up"?

5. 'Monster Gran' reveals that she is related to Jared how?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Jared thank his mom for at the end of Chapter 32: "Dylan Quits Hockey"?

2. In Chapter 38: "We'll Always Have Alderaan," what does Jared find out has happened to Sarah?

3. What new information about Wee'git does the old Native women Jared calls "Monster Gran" share in Chapter 39: "Summertime Sadness"?

4. In Chapter 24: "Kiss and Make Up," how does Jared's mom try to make being gone for several months without contact up to him?

5. What does Jared dream in Chapter 25: "Hunt With the Noble Orca"?

6. In Chapter 33: "The Shadow of Your Existence," what and/or who does Jared encounter that cannot be real, but he is able to interact with?

7. What is different about Jared's house in Chapter 26: "Spiral"?

8. In Chapter 32: "Dylan Quits Hockey," what does Dylan invite Jared to do with him and his dad? How does Jared react?

9. Who are 'the uncles' and how are they described in Chapter 29: "Firefly"?

10. What is the main idea of Chapter 31: "The Universe Is A Lonely Hunter"?

(see the answer keys)

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