Son of a Trickster Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Eden Robinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Son of a Trickster Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Eden Robinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 16: "Rockstar," who is Sarah?
(a) Dylan's sister.
(b) Mrs. Jak's granddaughter.
(c) Jared's aunt.
(d) Destiny's best friend.

2. What does Jared believe happened to his soul during the traumatic event with his mom and David?
(a) It popped out his body.
(b) It went dark.
(c) It exploded in light.
(d) It shrivelled and died.

3. What does Jared put his last $20 toward at the beginning of Chapter 22: "Ragged-Ass Road"?
(a) His pay-and-talk plan on his phone.
(b) A electricity bill.
(c) Groceries.
(d) A gift for Sarah.

4. Who is Destiny?
(a) Jared's step-mother.
(b) Jared's pregnant cousin.
(c) A girl at Jared's school.
(d) Jared's step-sister.

5. What happens to the trilobites at the end of Chapter 11: "Requiem For the Trilobites"?
(a) They move to another ocean.
(b) Most of them die, but about 10% live on.
(c) They become extinct.
(d) They move onto land and change shape.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Sarah want to do to Jared in Chapter 21: "Home Alone" that he says no to, because it makes him too uncomfortable?

2. Who shows up drunk on Crashpad's doorstep in Chapter 23: "Doctor Who Marathon"?

3. Who posts the new YouTube video named "Cookie Dude" in Chapter 17: "Cookie Dude?

4. Who threatens Jared, in Chapter 23: "Doctor Who Marathon," on Crashpad's behalf?

5. How does Jared's mom react when two dogs attack Jerad in Chapter 3: "The Food of Worms"?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Ebony Stewart want from Jared in Chapter 9: "Cooking With Ebony", and how does she get it?

2. How does Jared seem to win respect from Dylan in Chapter 9: "Cooking With Ebony"?

3. What is the traumatic event that happened with Jared, his mom, and David, as described in Chapter 14: "Lost"?

4. What does Jared experience with the crows in Chapter 23: "Doctor Who Marathon"?

5. Who are the Jaks, and what is Jared's relationship with them?

6. What does Sarah share with Jared about her home life in Chapter 21: "Home Alone"?

7. What is the Powder House and what happened to Jared there in Chapter 6: "Powder House Rules"?

8. What does the letter Jared writes Nana Anita after moving say? What did she write back?

9. What happens when Destiny goes out to buy diapers in Chapter 10: "Abandonment Issues"?

10. Who is Mrs. Brantford, and what is Jared's relationship with her?

(see the answer keys)

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