Son of a Trickster Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Eden Robinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Son of a Trickster Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Eden Robinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Jared encounter arguing in the parking lot in Chapter 19: "Adventures of the All Natives"?
(a) Dylan and Sarah.
(b) Crashpad and Dylan.
(c) A group of crows.
(d) Dylan and Ebony.

2. Why does Jared shower at school in Chapter 21: "Home Alone"?
(a) The shower is broken at home.
(b) It feels safer than showering at home.
(c) He slipped and got muddy on his way to school.
(d) He has no warm water anymore at home.

3. Who posts the new YouTube video named "Cookie Dude" in Chapter 17: "Cookie Dude?
(a) Ebony.
(b) Jared.
(c) Dylan.
(d) Crashpad.

4. When visiting his mom's friends in Prince Rupert, what game do the other kids invite Jared to play with them?
(a) Tag.
(b) Gin rummy.
(c) Hide-and-Seek.
(d) Truth or Dare.

5. In Chapter 5: "The Advice and Wisdom of Nana Sophia," when does Nana Sophia said she is moving back to Canada?
(a) In three months.
(b) In two years.
(c) In the summer.
(d) In the spring.

6. What is the name of the pulp-and-paper mill Jared's dad used to work at?
(a) Eurocan.
(b) European pulp-and-paper.
(c) Europulp.
(d) Euromill.

7. What is the video of Jared and Dylan's fight named on YouTube?
(a) Monday Night Smackdown.
(b) Squidward Smackdown.
(c) Spongebob Smackdown.
(d) Sonny-boy Smackdown.

8. What animal appears to speak to Jared in Chapter 4: "All Shook Up"?
(a) A raven.
(b) A cat.
(c) A dog.
(d) A robin.

9. What does Jared ask George to do with the video of his and Jared's fight?
(a) Share it with as many people as possible.
(b) Take it down.
(c) Splice it to make it funnier.
(d) Send it to Ebony.

10. At the beginning of Chapter 11: "Requiem For the Trilobites," where are the trilobites going on a Monday?
(a) The Mariana trench.
(b) In circles.
(c) Starbucks.
(d) A nearby mountain.

11. Why does Dylan need a ride home from Jared in Chapter 9: "Cooking With Ebony"?
(a) Dylan's car is out of gas, and he is late going to Ebony's house.
(b) Dylan got in a car accident and needs to get home.
(c) Dylan's car has a flat tire, and he is late for work.
(d) He is drunk and has practice the next morning.

12. Why does Jared bring money to his dad's apartment?
(a) To buy a crib for Destiny's baby.
(b) To pay the electricity bill.
(c) To pay the rent.
(d) To pay the heating bill.

13. Who does Jared buy the weed for his cookies from?
(a) Death Threat.
(b) Mrs. Brantford.
(c) Mrs. Jak.
(d) Ter.

14. Who is there a cardboard figure of on the front door of the Powder House?
(a) Yoda.
(b) Luke Skywalker.
(c) Darth Vader.
(d) Princess Lea.

15. What does George request to be called?
(a) Crashpad.
(b) Crash Landing.
(c) Crash.
(d) Crash Course.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is wrong with Jared's dog in Chapter 3: "The Food of Worms"?

2. Where is Jared's room in his house?

3. What does Dylan do when Jared tell him about the YouTube video of their fight?

4. At the beginning of Chapter 12: "New Year's Weltschmerz," whose house does Jared wake up in?

5. Who is one of Jared's mother's ex-boyfriends whom she now has a restraining order against?

(see the answer keys)

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