Son of a Trickster Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Eden Robinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Son of a Trickster Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Eden Robinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 6: Chapters 29-32.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who threatens Jared, in Chapter 23: "Doctor Who Marathon," on Crashpad's behalf?
(a) Crashpad's mom.
(b) Crashpad's dad.
(c) Crashpad himself.
(d) Crashpad's sister.

2. What does Sarah insinuate about Dylan in Chapter 22: "Ragged-Ass Road" that makes Jared uncomfortable?
(a) That Dylan stole money from Jared.
(b) That Dylan has started a rumor about Jared at school.
(c) That Dylan has a crush on Jared.
(d) That Dylan stole one of Jared's shirts.

3. What animal appears to speak to Jared in Chapter 4: "All Shook Up"?
(a) A dog.
(b) A robin.
(c) A cat.
(d) A raven.

4. What is the name of the pizza place Jared goes to in Chapter 27: "When the Voice In Your Head Is A Monster"?
(a) Pizzarama.
(b) Pizza Hut.
(c) Pizza Palace.
(d) Pizzaria.

5. What does Jared's mom say is itchy in Chapter 26: "Spiral"?
(a) Her eyes.
(b) Her feet.
(c) Her hair.
(d) Her arms.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is one of Jared's mother's ex-boyfriends whom she now has a restraining order against?

2. Where does Jared find his mother alone in Chapter 26: "Spiral"?

3. What holiday character does the old Native woman in Chapter 27: "When the Voice In Your Head Is A Monster" claim to know and find annoying?

4. How many years ago does Chapter 11: "Requiem For the Trilobites," take place?

5. What does the old Native woman tell Jared a story about in Chapter 27: "When the Voice In Your Head Is A Monster"?

(see the answer key)

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