Sometimes a Great Notion Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sometimes a Great Notion Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where has Lee left the thermometer?
(a) Viv's room
(b) The drawing room
(c) The kitchen
(d) The bathroom

2. Evenwrite decide it is time for _________.
(a) A strike
(b) A picket
(c) Violence
(d) Fun

3. Where does Hank go after his visit to the hospital?
(a) The shack
(b) The Snag
(c) The townhall
(d) Home

4. Who does Willard's plan involve in deceiving?
(a) Hank
(b) His wife
(c) His mistress
(d) Draeger

5. Where is Evenwrite sitting and recalling his childhood?
(a) His bedroom
(b) A diner
(c) The Snag
(d) The bath

6. Who narrates the funeral?
(a) Hank
(b) Henry
(c) Viv
(d) Lee

7. What are flying south for winter?
(a) Canadian geese
(b) Swallows
(c) Sea gulls
(d) Swifts

8. What happens when Hank tries to talk to Henry?
(a) He falls asleep
(b) He ignores him
(c) He cries
(d) He laughs

9. What kind of instrument does the musician at the Snag destroy?
(a) A trumpet
(b) A bass
(c) A guitar
(d) Drums

10. What does Henry go into town to get?
(a) Saws
(b) Axes
(c) Milk
(d) Pins

11. Who tells Henry that Joe-Ben is dead?
(a) Viv
(b) Lee
(c) Boney
(d) Hank

12. What does Hank limit at the Snag?
(a) His drinking intake
(b) Conversation
(c) Talk about a strike
(d) His drug intake

13. On what day does the final chapter take place?
(a) Independence day
(b) Easter
(c) Thanksgiving
(d) Christmas

14. What does Hank see in the window?
(a) His reflection
(b) Willard
(c) Geese
(d) His dead mother

15. Who drives Hank and Lee home?
(a) Joe-Ben
(b) Biggie
(c) Viv
(d) Daeger

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the townspeople dread?

2. Where does Henry stop off to kill time?

3. Who does Hank visit in the hospital?

4. What does Draeger try to convince Hank to stop?

5. Of what does Hank say he has no sense?

(see the answer keys)

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