Something Wonderful Test | Final Test - Medium

Judith McNaught
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Something Wonderful Test | Final Test - Medium

Judith McNaught
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Fawkes tell Jordan?
(a) That his preparations for protecting Jordan are in place.
(b) That he is ending his contract with Jordan since Jordan won't listen to him.
(c) That he truly believes Alexandra is setting Jordan up.
(d) That Jordan should move back to London where Fawkes can protect him better.

2. Where does Alexandra go in the morning?
(a) To meet with the tailor about some clothes for Jordan.
(b) Into the study where Jordan spent most of his childhood.
(c) To visit her mother.
(d) To visit with Tony.

3. What does Alexandra fear when Jordan returns from the ball?
(a) That he will beat her.
(b) That he will not care if she is there.
(c) That he will find her.
(d) That he will force her to have sex.

4. What does Melanie suggest to Alexandra?
(a) Alexandra work to make Jordan fall in love with her again.
(b) Alexandra take some time to decide which man she wants.
(c) Alexandra divorce Jordan.
(d) Alexandra keep the marriage to Anthony and have the one to Jordan annulled.

5. Who does Alexandra correct?
(a) Lord Carstairs.
(b) The Dowager.
(c) Lord Ponsonby.
(d) Melanie.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jordan do after subduing the assailant?

2. What does Jordan do when Alexandra meets him for sherry in the drawing room?

3. Why does Jordan decide not to divorce Alexandra?

4. Who is poisoned?

5. How does Alexandra feel after the picnic with Jordan?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens as Jordan is talking with Lord Camden and what does Jordan do as a result?

2. What increases Fawkes' belief that Alexandra and Anthony are plotting to kill Jordan?

3. Why does Jordan postpone his official duties for the day?

4. What does everyone not know about Jordan at the time of Alexandra's coming out ball?

5. How does Lord Carstairs create more tension between Jordan and Alexandra?

6. How do Jordan and Alexandra differ in their reactions to being at Hawthorne?

7. What is Alexandra's first response to Jordan's anger and how does Melanie change Alexandra's attitude?

8. What do Alexandra and Jordan do that helps them relax with each other?

9. How is Anthony and Alexandra's marriage halted just before the pronouncement of husband and wife?

10. What does Alexandra do that upsets Jordan the next morning and what does he order her to do?

(see the answer keys)

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