Something Like an Autobiography Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Something Like an Autobiography Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What love besides movies did Akira's father pass down to him?
(a) Love of fine food.
(b) Love of sports.
(c) Love of reading.
(d) Love of beautiful woman.

2. Whose help did Akira Kurosawa eventually employ to convince his father to let him quit calligraphy lessons?
(a) Mr. Tachikawa.
(b) His older brother.
(c) His kendo teacher.
(d) His mother.

3. In The Gleam of Fireflies, why was Kurosawa uncomfortable with the speech given him?
(a) It is not of his own creation.
(b) It lauds the teacher he hates.
(c) It is poorly worded.
(d) It is distinctly pro-military.

4. In Murasaki and Shonagon, what does Uekusa recall about Kurosawa in school?
(a) He was painfully shy.
(b) He was more popular as he got older.
(c) He fought other kids often.
(d) All the girls had crushes on him.

5. How was the Keika Middle School destroyed?
(a) It burned down.
(b) It became infested with termines.
(c) It collapsed in the earthquake.
(d) It was flooded by the tsunami.

6. In Morimura Gakuen, what is significant about the young boy that Akira Kurosawa mentions specifically from Forgotten Children?
(a) He is Chinese.
(b) He isolates himself from the other children.
(c) He is always fighting the other children.
(d) He is twice as tall as the other children.

7. What relation was Togashi to Akira?
(a) His younger sister.
(b) She was a family friend.
(c) His great aunt.
(d) His grandmother.

8. What did Kurosawa's father insist he do if he is to take Kendo lessons?
(a) Give up art lessons.
(b) Get straight A's at school.
(c) Make daily offering at a temple.
(d) Read Lao Tsu.

9. Why was young Akira sent to Toyokawa Village?
(a) To get some fresh air.
(b) To learn the art of farming.
(c) To learn about his roots.
(d) To strengthen up.

10. Which of the following is not a physical reaction that Kurosawa had to being challenged in primary school?
(a) He held his breath.
(b) He fainted.
(c) He hyperventilated.
(d) He wet himself.

11. In Crybaby, how did Kurosawa's older brother try to toughen him up in preparation face bullies?
(a) He forced him to eat a worm.
(b) He calls him bad names.
(c) He pushes him into a river.
(d) He beats him up.

12. Who sent Akira to Toyokawa Village for the summer after his fifth grade year?
(a) Mr. Tachikawa.
(b) His father.
(c) His military teacher,
(d) His mother.

13. What subject was Kurosawa's older brother in love with when he failed his final exam?
(a) Foreign literature.
(b) Kendo.
(c) Architecture.
(d) Calligraphy.

14. What job in the movies did Kurosawa's brother take in the 1930's?
(a) Photographer.
(b) Assistant director.
(c) Narrator.
(d) Set dresser.

15. Where did young Akira's father like to take his son addition to the cinema?
(a) To the local shrines.
(b) To cricket matches.
(c) To master storytellers.
(d) To picnics in the park.

Short Answer Questions

1. How was Akira Kurosawa affected by seeing Forgotten Children in the theater?

2. In A Distant Village, what did Akira do when after he got drunk on sake?

3. At the end of The Long Red Brick Wall, what did Kurosawa do as he walked to school?

4. How did his mother replace the item that Kurosawa lost in his duel in Murasaki and Shonagon?

5. Years later, what does Kurosawa think about his brother's insistence that they explore the carnage in A Horrifying Excursion?

(see the answer keys)

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