Someone Like You Test | Final Test - Medium

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Someone Like You Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Scarlett tell Halley she is sorry?
(a) Because she feels responsible.
(b) Because Macon is not there.
(c) Because she had to tell her mother.
(d) Because Halley is crying.

2. How pregnant is Scarlett in this chapter?
(a) 7 months.
(b) 8 months.
(c) 4 months.
(d) 5 months.

3. What does Macon try to do that Halley stops him from doing?
(a) Put his hands in her pants.
(b) Walk around the block.
(c) Go to her bedroom.
(d) Go to his house with him.

4. Who does Halley defend to Elizabeth?
(a) Macon.
(b) Herself
(c) Ginny.
(d) Scarlett.

5. Why has Halley been able to avoid a decision about Macon?
(a) Because Scarlett needs her more.
(b) Because she is working a lot.
(c) Because of her mother's wishes.
(d) Because he hasn't been around much.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Halley feel when her mother tells her she was too little to remember sitting on her grandmother's lap watching the comet?

2. What makes Halley feel scared?

3. What does Halley's mother think Halley did in regard to Macon?

4. What is Steve wearing that is odd when Halley sees him going into Marion's house?

5. What happened to Halley's grandmother?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Halley's mother do when Halley wakes up after the accident?

2. What continues to worry Scarlett about her pregnancy and her mother?

3. How does Halley come to learn some new information about her grandmother and what does she learn about her?

4. Who are Scarlett and Halley going to the prom with and why is Halley going with this person?

5. What worries Halley's mother about Macon and what does Halley think about how her mother approaches this subject?

6. What happens when Halley and Macon are lying on the bed together and he is getting ready to have sex with her?

7. What injuries does the doctor tell Halley she suffered in the car accident?

8. What does Halley do on the drive home from the party and how does Macon react?

9. What happens when Halley asks Macon who Rhetta is and what excuse does he give her for not being able to tell her where he has been or will be?

10. Why can't Halley sleep and what does she hope to discover about Macon?

(see the answer keys)

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