Someone Like You Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Someone Like You Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Halley forgive Scarlett for the amount of time she spends with Michael and not with her?
(a) Because Michael is so nice to Scarlett.
(b) Because Halley has other things to occupy her as well.
(c) Because her mother doesn't want her to spend time with Scarlett.
(d) Because Scarlett seems so happy.

2. What does Scarlett tell Halley when they meet at the ladies room at work?
(a) That she is leaving home.
(b) Not to trust Macon.
(c) That her mother is asking questions.
(d) That she is pregnant.

3. What promise did Ginny break?
(a) Not to tell anyone about Scarlett's baby.
(b) Leaving Halley and Scarlett alone.
(c) Not to tell anyone that Halley was dating Macon.
(d) Telling everyone to stay out of the bathroom.

4. What exception to Halley's punishment does her mother allow?
(a) Her to visit with Scarlett.
(b) Her to go with Scarlett to the clinic.
(c) Her to go out with her ex-boyfriend Noah.
(d) Her to attend her family birthday party.

5. What profession does Steve practice?
(a) Actor.
(b) Author.
(c) Accountant.
(d) Astronaut.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Halley indicate she has found her grandmother's eccentricities?

2. What does Halley do as she rushes home for her curfew?

3. How does Halley's mother seem to feel learning things about her daughter from others?

4. How long does Halley stay at Scarlett's house?

5. Why does Halley believe Scarlett gets a sad expression when she talks to her about Macon?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Scarlett tell Halley about her feelings in regards to her mother's conversation with Scarlett's mother?

2. How does Halley feel about Marion and how does she describe Marion?

3. What does Halley's mother bring her as a peace offering from her father?

4. How do Scarlett and Halley meet and also become friends?

5. How does Marion react to Scarlett's news that she is pregnant?

6. What happens when Macon comes to visit Halley at the market where she works?

7. What does Scarlett begin to notice about Steve?

8. How does Scarlett's relationship with Michael begin and develop?

9. What do Scarlett and Halley do before they head into school in the mornings?

10. What does Halley think Scarlett's body changes remind her of?

(see the answer keys)

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