Someone Like You Test | Final Test - Easy

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Someone Like You Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Scarlett tell Halley that she is thinking of taking?
(a) An adoption seminar.
(b) A birthing class.
(c) A therapy session.
(d) Parenting classes.

2. Why does Scarlett tell Halley she is sorry?
(a) Because Macon is not there.
(b) Because Halley is crying.
(c) Because she had to tell her mother.
(d) Because she feels responsible.

3. Who does Halley give as her emergency contact number?
(a) Marion.
(b) Her mother.
(c) Her father.
(d) Scarlett.

4. What does Halley force Scarlett to share with the doctor?
(a) That she is scared.
(b) All of her symptoms.
(c) The father's name.
(d) The knowledge that her mother wants her to have an abortion.

5. Which of the following doesn't Halley remember Macon doing right after the accident?
(a) Telling her he'll be right there.
(b) Holding her hand.
(c) Telling her he loves her.
(d) Yelling for help.

6. What strikes Halley about her grandmother when she arrives in Buffalo to visit her?
(a) How very tired she seems.
(b) How she has changed and become irritable.
(c) How pale and small she looks.
(d) How much her mother looks like her.

7. Why does Halley's heart feel like it is stopping when Macon is kissing her in the kitchen?
(a) She sees Scarlett's mother watching them.
(b) She hears her father's voice.
(c) She hears her mother's voice.
(d) She sees Scarlett coming over to her house.

8. What does Scarlett tell Halley about having sex with Macon?
(a) That he has had sex before.
(b) That she should definitely not do it.
(c) That he will continue to pressure her.
(d) That it is about her, not him.

9. What does Scarlett tell Halley that people like them do not do?
(a) Raise children alone.
(b) Have sex without love.
(c) Overcome the worries of other.
(d) Disobey their parents.

10. Why does Halley apologize to Macon?
(a) Because she yelled at Elizabeth.
(b) Because she got sick.
(c) Because she needed to go home to see Scarlett.
(d) Because she didn't like the party.

11. In what way does Halley's mother say that she is like Halley?
(a) She is too trusting of people.
(b) She wants to help people no matter what.
(c) She refuses to consider the opinions of others.
(d) She doesn't see people like they are.

12. Why does Halley think Marion has given up on her plans for Scarlett to give the baby up for adoption?
(a) She told Halley's mother she is looking forward to the baby.
(b) She stops putting flyers on Scarlett's bed.
(c) She looks at the nursery with a smile.
(d) She takes Scarlett to the doctor's appointments.

13. What does Halley say to her mother that makes her mother react as if she has been slapped?
(a) That she will do whatever she wants.
(b) That she should just be happy she isn't pregnant.
(c) That she doesn't care what she thinks.
(d) That she is not anything like her mother.

14. What does Halley hear right before she becomes unconscious?
(a) Something loud and big hitting her door.
(b) Her mother's words echoing in her mind.
(c) Macon calling her name.
(d) Scarlett's calls for help.

15. Where are Scarlett and Halley going in this chapter?
(a) Prom.
(b) Hospital.
(c) Home.
(d) School.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Halley's mother come to see her at work?

2. What happens when Halley refuses Macon?

3. Why doesn't Halley even try to picture Macon?

4. What was odd about Thanksgiving at Scarlett's house?

5. What happened to Halley's grandmother?

(see the answer keys)

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